Maryland Nursing Home Medication Errors Lawyer

Maryland Nursing Home Medication Errors Lawyer Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

Most people are surprised to learn how frequently medication errors occur in nursing home settings. After all, providing medication to aging patients is one of the most basic core functions of a nursing home facility. Pharmaceutical services are a part of the nursing services promised by nursing homes, and families understandably expect their loved one’s medication needs will be, at the bare minimum, met and monitored.

Unfortunately, medication errors in Maryland nursing homes are all too common and can even be deadly. If your loved one suffered injury or died as a result of a medication error in a nursing home, a skilled Maryland nursing home medication errors lawyer can help. Reach out to a dedicated attorney today to discuss your options.

Common Types of Medication Errors

Nearly half of all medication errors happen in senior citizens over the age of 60, according to the FDA. This occurs in part due to the fact that older patients are more likely to be taking multiple different medications, which can be complicated to manage.

There are a number of different ways in which a medication error can occur in a Maryland nursing home. Some of the most common nursing home medication errors include but are not limited to:

  • Over- or under-medicating, including accidentally giving a repeated dose of medicine
  • Administering the wrong medicine to the wrong patient, or giving one resident someone else’s medication by mistake
  • Skipping dosages, or waiting long intervals (longer than recommended by the prescribing doctor) between dosages
  • Providing medication in the wrong dosage or wrong method of administration, such as a pill instead of an injection, or a single dose instead of extended release pill, or negligently prescribing a medication the patient does not need or should not be taking
  • Giving a medication that is contra-indicated with another medication a patient is taking, or a medical condition the patient has, or administering a medication to which the patient has a known allergy
  • Ignoring residents who question their medication or speak up regarding their medication concerns
  • Not heeding medication recalls, administering expired medication, and not following manufacturing guidelines for safe medication transportation, storage, and handling.

Whatever kind of medication error a nursing home resident suffered, an experienced Maryland nursing home medication error attorney can help victims and their families seek the compensation they deserve.

Nursing Home Liability

Courts may consider several other factors when determining whether the nursing home acted negligently. Some of the factors that could indicate negligent handling of medication include storing medication not in its original container, mislabeling medication, hiring staff members who have a history of mishandling medications, making mistakes in writing or prescribing medicine, not sticking to an adequate medication schedule, or failing to adequately document when medicine is administered.

Let a Maryland Nursing Home Medication Errors Attorney Assist You

Medication errors in nursing homes can be fatal, since many medications required by elderly patients mean the difference between life and death. Medication errors are preventable, and nursing homes that make medication errors could be held responsible.

If your loved one suffered a medication error and became injured or died as a result, a skilled Maryland nursing home medication errors lawyer can investigate what occurred and determine whether a family may have a valid personal injury or wrongful death claim.

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