How Long Does It Take To Settle a Personal Injury Claim?

How Long Does It Take To Settle a Personal Injury Claim? Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

Getting injured in an accident can result in expensive treatments that could leave you struggling financially to get the help you need to recover. The time between when the injury occurred and when you obtain a settlement from the opposing party’s insurance provider could leave you wondering how long it takes to settle a personal injury claim.

In reality, the settlement process could take from a few months up to a few years. This is reliant on several factors, such as how quickly your injury heals, the permanency of the injury, and whether the insurer disputes the liability of their insured. An experienced personal injury attorney understands that their client deserves the best compensation as quickly as possible. Attorneys and their team can provide you with the information you need to understand the process and ways in which you can help.

What Is the Deadline To File A Claim?

Every state has a statute of limitations on personal injury claims that dictates the maximum amount of time an applicant has to file their claim in court. This date is extremely important, even if an applicant wishes to seek resolution through a settlement. Failing to file a personal injury lawsuit within the statute of limitations will result in the applicant’s loss of their right to seek compensation for their injuries through the court system.

Well-practiced personal injury lawyers protect a client’s legal options by efficiently managing the timeline of their case. Doing this will entice insurance companies to settle the claim to avoid the considerable time and expenses of litigation.

Why Might the Time It Takes to Settle Increase?

One of the main factors that can prolong the settlement is the time it takes for the injured party to reach a point where their doctor determines that the injury has stabilized and healed to their satisfaction. Personal injury attorneys often wait until this time to establish an accurate value of the claim, as this provides a clear picture of the expenses accrued from treating the injury and any permanent injuries that could have future costs associated with them.

Additionally, gathering the evidence needed to prove liability can take weeks to even months. Law enforcement personnel must make an official accident report in car accident cases, which can take weeks to be available for an attorney.

Another common cause of settlement delays involves the at-fault party’s insurer disputing liability or the claim’s value. This is a common occurrence as they usually don’t want to pay the amount you deserve, but there is no need to worry with an experienced attorney at your side. They will fight tooth and nail to get you the money you deserve.

Who Should You Call When You Are Injured Due to Someone Else’s Negligence?

The legal team at Price Benowitz are experienced veterans in defending their clients in difficult situations. They efficiently tackle tough obstacles in order for you to get the compensation you deserve. Having them by your side when negotiating with the insurance company can make thousands of dollars of difference. They are there to help you at every step through the process, they charge nothing upfront and are paid through a percentage of the compensation that they get for you. Call Price Benowitz today for a free case evaluation that could change your life forever.

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