Applying for Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Status in Washington DC

Applying for Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Status in Washington DC Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

There are numerous benefits to obtaining lawful permanent resident status in the United States. An individual’s ability to work and travel can be expanded and opportunities may increase. While becoming a lawful permanent resident might not be an easy process, having an accomplished immigration attorney by your side can relieve some of the stress that many individuals experience throughout the process.

It can also be beneficial to speak with an attorney about the ways in which an individual can lose their status as a lawful permanent resident. Contact a lawyer for a confidential consultation about the process for applying for lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in Washington DC.

How Does an Individual Apply for LPR Status?

An individual who wishes to become a lawful permanent resident must submit documents to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The most common grounds for Green Card eligibility are family-related and employment-related.

A U.S. citizen can petition for their spouse, minor (under 21) child, or parent to become a lawful permanent resident and have that relative adjust their status immediately. Other relatives and fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens may be eligible to obtain LPR status as well, but they will be placed in the family preference category and will have to wait some time before they can apply for LPR status.

A lawful permanent resident can also petition for their spouse and unmarried children, but those relatives will also be placed in the family preference category in which they will have to wait before applying for LPR status.

Lawful permanent resident status can also be based on an employer’s sponsorship. The USCIS will require employment-related documents, such as a job offer.

Among the required documents for family-related or employment-related LPR status are:

  • Birth certificate
  • Government-issued Identification
  • Criminal record, if any
  • Affidavit of support
  • Waiver of inadmissibility, if necessary

It is important to submit all required documents so that delays or denials do not occur as a result of missing information. Speaking with an immigration lawyer about applying for LPR status can be helpful in determining which documents are required based on a person’s circumstances.

For example, an individual with a criminal record might not be able to adjust their status to LPR status. However, depending on the nature of the crime, an individual might be able to submit a waiver of inadmissibility.

There are also fees which the USCIS receives along with the required forms and supporting documentation. The fee amount varies, based on the applicant’s age and status.

Medical examinations are also part of the process to become a lawful permanent resident. The purpose of the medical examination is to ensure that no health conditions exist which may pose a threat to others and bar an individual’s admission to the United States as a permanent resident.

When Would Someone Be Required to Attend an Interviews for LPR Status?

An individual who applies for LPR status may need to appear for an interview. Additionally, the USCIS requires sufficient information to verify an individual’s identity and perform background checks.

Accordingly, USCIS will request that an individual appear to provide fingerprints. Failure to appear for an appointment or interview can jeopardize an individual’s application for LPR status.

Let a Washington DC Lawyer Assist You Today In Applying for LPR Status

It can take a long time to receive a decision on an application for lawful permanent resident status. Considering the fees and the investment of your time and energy in this process, one hopes that the process will go smoothly and that no barriers will exist to LPR status. It can be difficult to anticipate the problems that might arise, but an immigration attorney could prepare you for unexpected issues and help you fight to reach your goals. Contact a lawyer today about applying for lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in Washington DC.

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