To ensure that you are fairly compensated for the harms and losses you have suffered as a result of these defective devices, you should contact a DePuy hip replacement lawyer, or a product liability lawyer who has handled DePuy claims.

Patients who have had a DePuy hip replacement are reporting serious and adverse health risks related to the device. The faulty design of the DePuy hip replacement and resurfacing systems has led to a variety of dangerous complications, including the device loosening under normal use, fractures at the site of the implant, dislocation – where the ball and socket literally come apart – and metal poisoning.  Other health risks include:

  • acute hip pain
  • difficulty standing and walking
  • limited mobility

It is not unusual for these painful symptoms to force some patients to rely upon a wheelchair or walker as they await further medical procedures. Most of the time, further surgical intervention is required to correct these problems.

If you received a DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System or DePuy XL Acetabular hip replacement prior to the voluntary recall of the devices, even if you do not exhibit any of the above health symptoms of a failing device at this time, you should still seek medical attention. The cost of undergoing any necessary medical procedures to correct problems can be prohibitive and the discomfort and pain that involves more hip surgery can be intimidating. There is, however, something you can do to receive compensation for the medical costs, pain, suffering, and other damages.  Though Johnson & Johnson, the makers of the DePuy devices, have announced a $4 billion settlement package for thousands of patients who have agreed to the program, there are still many questions that remain regarding who qualifies for the agreement and whether joining the settlement is in your best interests. You will find a pdf copy of the settlement agreement here.

We also have other pages covering:

DePuy Lawsuit FAQs

DePuy Lawsuits and Jurisdictions

DePuy is currently involved in thousands of state and federal lawsuits over its ASR hip implant and Pinnacle resurfacing systems, many of which were consolidated in a multidistrict litigation (MDL -2197) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, respectively. In addition, thousands more civil claims are pending. In these cases, plaintiffs have alleged that that both devices were defectively designed and that DePuy failed it its duties to provide adequate warning to the surgeons and their patients who received the defective devices. The devices were voluntarily recalled in 2010, after numerous complaints and a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigation into the defective devices.

All personal injury lawsuits are subject to a statute of limitations, which is the timeframe in which an injured victim can file a lawsuit against the person or entity responsible for the harms and losses suffered by the victim, in this case Johnnson & Johnson and its subsidiary, DePuy. In the District of Columbia, that statute sets the limit for the amount of time that you can bring a claim to three years from the date of the injury or the date that you knew the injury existed. There are, however, legal factors can affect the statute, so you should consult with a well-qualified DC DePuy hip replacement lawyer.

A Seasoned DePuy Injury Attorney Can Help

Pursuing fair legal compensation for the harms and losses you have suffered is not only your right, it’s a duty that you can serve to provide protection for everyone. While DePuy did issue a voluntary recall, it came only after years of complaints from patients and doctors and threats of action from the FDA. The global pharmaceutical industry – which consists of the companies that make, patent, and sell drugs and medical products — is estimated to be worth more than $1 trillion in 2014. Johnson & Johnson reported in January of 2014 that its fourth-quarter earnings rose nearly 40 percent, and they expected strong sales and profits throughout the coming fiscal year, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Profits are good and necessary for the health of any company, but they should never come at the expense of a patient’s health. When those who provide medical products are careless, reckless, or negligent in the manufacture and/or sale of their products, they should be held responsible. If you have suffered injury as a result of a DePuy artificial hip device and need help in exercising your compensatory rights, contact our firm. We can help you retain a DePuy hip replacement lawyer who has experience in representing patients who have suffered adverse effects from dangerous and defective medical products.

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