Glen Burnie Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
In most cases, injury victims must use the legal system to pursue compensation for their injuries. However, Glen Burnie workers who sustain injuries on the job have a different avenue to recover compensation. That avenue is known as the workers’ compensation system.
Workers’ compensation claims are available for most employees in Glen Burnie and throughout the state of Maryland. If you have suffered an injury or occupational illness, you could have a viable claim. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney could assist you with filing a claim and serve as your advocate at any hearings. A Glen Burnie workers’ compensation lawyer might be able to help you maximize the benefits available for your injury.
No-Fault Compensation
The workers’ compensation system in Glen Burnie and throughout Maryland operates under a “no-fault” basis. No-fault compensation is designed to pay benefits to workers hurt under the scope of their employment without considering who was at fault for the accident.
This system is notably different from a personal injury claim. With a standard injury claim, a victim must file a lawsuit and establish that the other person or entity is responsible. In a no-fault system, the cause of the accident does not play into whether a worker receives compensation or not.
One similarity these claims share with an injury lawsuit is the importance of legal counsel. While the system is theoretically no-fault, employers and their insurance companies often go to great lengths to deny a claim. With the help of a workers’ compensation attorney, a Glen Burnie worker could obtain the benefits they deserve.
Available Workers’ Compensation Benefits
The ultimate purpose of a workers’ compensation claim is to obtain benefits that could offset the cost of medical bills or lost wages. While similar to the compensation typical in a personal injury lawsuit, there are some important distinctions. The benefits available include:
Disability Benefits
These come in two types: temporary and permanent disability. These payments cover a portion of a worker’s wages while they are too hurt to work. Temporary benefits are available for workers out of work for more than three days that expect to return eventually. Permanent disability benefits are for employees who have permanent physical or psychological impairments from the work injury. Permanent disability can be partial or total.
Death Benefits
Similar to disability benefits, death benefits pay a portion of a worker’s wage to their surviving heirs should they die from a work accident injury. These benefits typically last for at least five years but no more than 12 years. A Glen Burnie workers’ compensation attorney could help the family of a deceased employee maximizes these death benefits.
Necessary Medical Treatment
In addition to compensation for lost wages, workers’ compensation benefits would also cover treatment stemming from the workplace injury. Benefits only cover reasonable, necessary and causally-related medical procedures and may still be available even after a worker is healthy enough to return to work.
Mileage Related to Medical Treatment
One type of benefit that is unique to the workers’ compensation system relates to travel costs. These travel costs are very specific, however. A Glen Burnie workers’ compensation attorney could seek reimbursement to cover their client’s mileage to and from any necessary medical treatment. Many severe injuries make travel challenging, but workers’ compensation benefits can ease that burden.
How a Glen Burnie Workers’ Compensation Attorney Could Help
Workers’ compensation benefits could be a lifeline for an injured worker and their family. These benefits could cover a wide array of expenses and provide the worker with the funds they need to survive.
If you suffered an injury at your Glen Burnie workplace, do not hesitate to contact a seasoned workers’ compensation attorney right away. With the help of a Glen Burnie workers’ compensation lawyer, you could obtain the benefits you need.