How Do I Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer in DC For My Case?
Well, the attributes of a lawyer that someone would want to hire would be that they’re experienced in the kind of case that the potential client has. They would want someone very experienced who has done the type of case before and gotten results. And, of course, the personal relationship is important too. The attorney-client relationship is a partnership, and like any partnership you have to have a good working relationship.
So, experience, results, and length of time as a lawyer many times because experience is very important and you should look to see if they have knowledge of the specific area that the case will entail because, like any other profession, the more experience you have with something the better the representation for the client.
What Factors Should Someone Consider When Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Like any situation where you’re hiring someone, whether you’re looking for an accountant, a lawyer, or a doctor, the potential client should be doing their own due diligence. That includes finding out the background of the firm and the attorneys within it in order be able to make an informed decision. Again, the experience level and the results that they’ve obtained in the type of cases that they’ve handled are very important.
What is The Value of Trust in The Attorney-Client Relationship in Injury Cases?
Well, the attorney-client relationship is definitely based on trust and part of that trust is that the client can tell the attorney virtually anything and the attorney cannot disclose that to others, it’s simply confidential between the attorney and the client.
Generally speaking, trust is important because it’s a relationship and partnership like any other relationship or partnership. The attorney and the client have to work together, and the client has to value and take the advice of the attorney, which involves trusting that the attorney is experienced and knowledgeable and has the client’s best interest in mind. So trust is important in the working relationship between the attorney and the client.
What Do I Do If a Family Member Was Injured But is Too Hurt to Find a Lawyer?
Well, other family members can reach out to the attorney to provide the information and to get things started. That happens often, particularly in more serious injury cases where the person is hospitalized or incapacitated and family members reach out to the lawyer to begin information gathering and investigate the case.
So, yes, other family members can reach out and will figure out a way to get a representation agreement signed, because the lawyer has to be engaged in order to be able to begin work in a case. But the initial contact does not necessarily have to be by the injured party, it can be by someone representing their interest in order to start the process, and then the attorney and firm can figure out what steps to take in order to get the retainer agreement signed and be able to be engaged and move forward.
Are There Translators Available if I Call Your Firm to Work on The Case?
Yes, we have individuals who speak various languages and if for some reason it’s a language that we do not have someone proficient in, then there can be a translation service hired for purposes of communicating with the client. Those services are easy to set up in order to be able to provide translation.