Pennsylvania state law dictates how gun owners can use their gun. While the Second Amendment of the US Constitution protects individuals’ rights to own guns, state law can legally restrict this right. A skilled criminal attorney can help you ensure you are treated lawfully when facing a gun offense.
Gun owners are required to obey state laws controlling what types of gun they can buy and sell, and how they can use these weapons. When a gun owner violates these state laws, they could face legal penalties upon conviction. If you are facing a weapons charge, contact a Philadelphia gun lawyer.
There are many different types of “gun crimes” in Pennsylvania, and each crime carries a different penalty for conviction. Many state gun crimes involve using a firearm against someone else or using a firearm while committing a theft. Often, convictions of these charges result in prison terms and high fines.
Additionally, many gun crimes charges are felony offenses, even for a first-time conviction. Not only can felony weapons conviction result in legal penalties, these convictions often lead to other negative consequences. A weapons crime conviction can limit employment, education, and even housing opportunities in the long-term.
Pennsylvania state law restricts how and where a gun owner can carry their firearm. State law does not generally require a permit for open carry in public, except for certain areas, such as school zones or courthouses. However, the law does require a permit for carrying a concealed weapon, unless the gun owner is in their own house of fixed place of business.
Because carrying a concealed firearm without the proper license is a crime, individuals facing these charges should contact a Philadelphia gun lawyer. For those deemed ineligible of possessing a concealed carry license (for example, convicted felons), conviction of this crime is a third-degree felony.
If someone was not eligible to have a concealed carry license and was charged with this crime, they would face third-degree felony charges. If convicted of this third-degree felony, the defendant could face harsh penalties, including up to seven years in prison and fines up to $15,000.
People who are eligible for a concealed carry license, and are convicted of concealed carry without a license, face a first-degree misdemeanor. In such cases, the defendant could face up to five years in prison.
State law does prohibit certain people from owning or carrying guns. Some of these laws also restrict how and when someone can carry their gun. Other gun-related charges can arise when someone uses a gun to commit a different crime.
One common example of this is armed robbery. Armed robbery is a felony offense that involves using a weapon while taking someone else’s property by force, coercion, or intimidation.
An armed robbery can mean using a gun while robbing a store, or using a gun to force a homeowner to turn over property. Those convicted of using a gun while committing a crime can face increased penalties for that crime. They may also face separate gun charges, which are often felony charges.
If you are facing gun charges in Philadelphia, contact Philadelphia gun lawyers today. Skilled lawyers can protect your rights as a gun owner, and will fight to defend you against any charges.
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