A DC toxic torts lawyer helps victims who were exposed to chemicals or toxins at home, at work, or through the use of unsafe products. Toxic chemicals should be kept out of the air, out of the water, and out of the hands of consumers. Unfortunately, some irresponsible companies create toxic environments that put people at risk. When this occurs, a personal injury attorney with experience can help victims to recover compensation for losses and hold negligent companies liable for damages.
When to Call a DC Toxic Torts Attorney
A DC toxic torts lawyer helps anyone who has developed an illness or who has lost a loved one because of exposure to toxins, no matter how the exposure occurred. The goal is to determine who was responsible for the toxin, how it made you sick, and how best to recover monetary damages for resulting losses.
Some of many examples of when victims can pursue toxic tort cases include when they were made sick due to:
- Asbestos exposure at work, in products, or in apartments or home environments.
- Toxic mold at work, in a rental building, or at home.
- Chinese drywall in home construction
- Lead in toys and other household products, or in paint in a rental property.
- Chemicals in the water supply due to companies dumping pollutants without following disposal protocols.
- Exposure to silica, manganese, beryllium, benzene, and other toxic substances.
- Pesticides in ground water or in a home or work environment.
In these and many other situations, clients can pursue legal action when they get sick because product makers, employers, landlords, or other individuals or businesses caused them to be exposed to something harmful
Pursuing Compensation for Exposure to Toxins in DC
If you were exposed to something harmful, it is important you understand what toxic torts means and how tort laws affect your right to recover compensation.
Victims can pursue a personal injury lawsuit any time they can show they suffered harm as a direct result of negligence or a failure to fulfill any legal obligation. Companies have legal obligations not to cause toxic exposure. This means those exposed to toxins generally can file suit. The lawsuits, which are called toxic tort cases, seek to help plaintiffs get payments for medical bills, loss of wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or wrongful death because of the illnesses due to the chemicals they were exposed to.
Factors That Can Impact a Toxic Torts Case in DC
Toxic tort cases are complicated, because illnesses like leukemia, lung disease, anemia, and other types of cancer are commonly the result of chemical exposure. Since these illnesses can have other causes, it can be hard for victims to show the toxic exposure was the direct cause of harm. When victims get asbestosis or mesothelioma, cases may be easier since these conditions are almost always linked to asbestos exposure only. Still, proving a specific manufacturer was liable can require an in-depth investigation.
An attorney who has dealt with DC toxic tort claims before will understand these complex cases and can assist clients in putting together a strong case to show how the toxic exposure led to harm. With expert witnesses and skilled investigators, plaintiff, with the representation of an experienced attorney, can do everything possible to fight for compensation they deserve.
Talk With a DC Toxic Torts Lawyer About Your Case Today
If you or someone you love is sick, don’t wait to talk with an attorney who can help you get the money you need to pay medical bills and alleviate financial worries. Call a DC toxic torts attorney now for help.