Bone fractures happen at nursing homes more frequently than many people realize. In fact, more than ten percent of nursing home residents who experience a fall will suffer a broken bone. When a fall occurs due to the nursing home’s negligence, the nursing home facility or management may be held liable for compensating the victim for their injuries and other damages.
A skilled Maryland nursing home broken bones lawyer can help families seeking to hold the nursing home facility responsible. Reach out to an experienced attorney today to discuss your case.
Causes and Types of Broken Bones in Nursing Homes
There are several ways in which a nursing home resident could suffer a broken bone or fracture. Most broken bones in Maryland nursing homes – more than 90 percent – are caused by falls, which can occur as a slip, trip, or fall incident, falling out of bed, slipping in the shower or while bathing, falling out of a wheelchair, or falling while using a walker that encounters a hazard in the hallway.
Hip fractures are by far the most common type of broken bone suffered by nursing home residents, and older individuals in general. Broken hips can be quite serious, requiring surgery and many times sending the victim into a downward health spiral. One study found that roughly half of all hip fracture victims over age 75 passed away within a year of experiencing the break.
Of course, there are many other types of fractures that can occur in a nursing home setting. Thigh, shoulder, arm, hand, spinal/vertebrae, pelvic, toes, foot fractures and other breaks can all be incredibly painful and require surgical repair and months of recovery. These fractures, like hip fractures, can also severely restrict mobility and quality of life for victims.
No matter what type of bone fracture a nursing home victim suffers, an experienced Maryland nursing home neglect and abuse lawyer can help.
Broken Bone Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Cases
A victim may be eligible for a variety of damages, including reimbursement for monetary losses, such as medical bills, hospital stays and surgery, but also nonmonetary losses, like pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life or pursuit of hobbies and goals. In especially egregious situations, a victim may even be eligible for punitive damages meant to punish the wrongdoing nursing home for its violations.
It is more challenging to establish grounds for punitive damages in Maryland, but once the burden is met, the damages may not be subject to the same limits as are in place in other states, which strictly cap punitive damages.
A skilled Maryland nursing home broken bones lawyer can examine the facts a victim’s claim and determine what type of damages they may be able to pursue.
Contact a Maryland Nursing Home Broken Bones Attorney Today
No matter which bone your relative broke, or how severe the fracture is, an experienced Maryland nursing home broken bones lawyer can help your family work to hold the nursing home accountable for their negligence.
Because broken bones, especially hip fractures, can be serious for nursing home residents, it is important to make sure your loved one is able to obtain the care they need to recover, and filing a personal injury claim can help ensure the funds necessary for such care.