Quadriplegia is the involuntary loss of use of a person’s upper and lower extremities or the loss of voluntary movement of his or her body below the neck. Quadriplegia can result from severely traumatic events and devastate the lives of both the injured person and their friends and families. If a person has suffered quadriplegic inducing injuries as a result of the negligence of another, like a car accident, they should immediately contact a catastrophic injury lawyer to help them get the compensation they deserve.
Common Causes of Quadriplegia Injuries
Quadriplegic injuries can occur in any number of ways. Typically in a circumstance where a person becomes a quadriplegic through the negligence of another, it is due to a significant trauma, such as a motor vehicle accident or other such type of injury.
Quadriplegia can also result from medical malpractice through any number of ways, thus the manner in which a person becomes a quadriplegic varies significantly. Quadriplegia can occur due to non-traumatic causes as well.
Common Complications Associated with Quadriplegia
One of the issues that is commonly seen is how systemic the injury can be on a person’s day-to-day life. There are many medical complications associated with quadriplegia that a qualified healthcare professional can discuss with the victim.
However, in handling the legal process of asserting a claim on behalf of the quadriplegic, we have seen any number of systemic financial issues that come up in handling these claims. Therefore, it is important for anyone who has become a quadriplegic due the negligence of another to retain the services of an attorney so that the attorney can assist the individual in seeking proper compensation for his or her injuries, which may go well beyond those first considered.
Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer
There are innumerable issues that a personal injury attorney considers, evaluates, and investigates when handling a quadriplegic case. Quadriplegic cases are complicated and sophisticated both due to the nature and extent of the injury sustained, but also due to the complicated medical treatment and the potential life-long effects the injury will have on the victim.
Thus, it is important for anyone who has been a victim of negligence that results in quadriplegia to retain an experienced and qualified personal injury attorney to handle his or her claim.
Compensation for These Injuries
Anyone who has been injured as a result of the negligence of another is entitled to be compensated for his or her injuries. Typical compensation usually consists of economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages in a quadriplegic case can be extensive. Economic damages typically consist of medical bills associated with past, current, and future medical treatment, which may be life-long. Likewise, economic damages can also consist of lost wages, loss of earning capacity, among other economic dangers depending on the individual circumstances in the case.
There can also be many other forms of economic damages, such as establishing a life-care plan or medical facility treatment. The nature and extent of economic damages truly depends upon the nature of the injury, the permanency of the injury, and the individual who has sustained the injury.