Our Approach to Maryland Truck Accident Cases

Our Approach to Maryland Truck Accident Cases Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

If you or someone you  know has been injured in a Maryland truck accident, the following is what you should know regarding our firm’s approach. To schedule your consultation and learn more about what we can do to help you, call a Maryland truck accident lawyer today.

Cost of MD Truck Accident Lawyer

There is no charge for a consultation and the truck accident lawyers at our firm work on a contingency fee basis which means we don’t recover any attorney’s fees unless we recover something for your case through either a settlement or through a verdict. The client will never have to worrying about going into his/her own pocket to pay attorney fees. All attorney fees gets subtracted from the recovery of the case.

Is a Translator Available?

We can have a translator available for any language that your family member speaks in order to help you with your case.

There are several translation services available in the DC Maryland area and we will help your family be able to get in contact with an attorney even if there is a temporary language barrier.

Goals When Seeing A Case For The First Time

The main goals are preserving all the evidence involved and being able to locate all the responsible parties and then convincing a judge and jury that the collision occurred in the way that the plaintiff says it did and that all of the injuries that the individual has sustained is documented in the medical records.

Some of the concerns in truck accident cases specifically are pieces of evidence that are missing, discarded or destroyed. If that happens then the victim may not be able to recreate through his own testimony or evidence the same story that would have been able to have been proved through the destroyed or discarded evidence.  So one of the concerns is not being able to describe how the accident happened.

What To Expect From a Truck Accident Attorney

They should expect an attorney who is willing to listen to them and can help them and will be sympathetic to their injuries and their situation. They should expect an attorney that can fight for them and push back when the lawyers for the insurance company and the trucking companies put up resistance to settling the case or admitting fault.

Building A Strong Attorney Client Relationship

Trust is paramount in any attorney client relationship. A client needs to feel that they’re respected and listened to and that their voice is heard. If you neglect your client or neglect your client’s relationship, that erases the trust you have with them and that’s very hard to rebuild once that trust is broken.

What We Offer to Truck Accident Victims

Our firm offers those involved in truck accidents experienced attorneys who are willing to listen to each individual client and to respect their decision, the attorneys are merely here to advise the client about the best course of action for them. The client is the one who ultimately makes the decisions and the attorney is the guide and adviser helping the client navigate the legal system.

Resources and Tools Available

Our firm has attorneys that are experienced in handling trucking cases from inception through settlement, we have the ability to reach out to any number of investigators, doctors and trucking case experts that will assist us in gathering and evaluating evidence to put forth your strongest case.

Recent Case Results

Committed To Excellence