Riding next to or near an 18 wheeler on a Maryland highway or street is a normal part of everyday travel, but the sad reality is that most drivers are unaware of the large blind spots these vehicles have. Failing to understand how blind spots work and how to avoid them is one of the worst mistakes a driver can make. It can lead to a dangerous truck accident in which smaller passenger vehicles incur the brunt of the damage, not to mention the passengers inside. If you or your loved ones have been injured in a Maryland truck blind spot accident and the truck driver is at fault, you may be owed compensation for your injuries, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and other damages.
Where are the blind spots on an 18 wheeler?
A blind spot is an area surrounding any vehicle within which others cannot be seen by the driver. With large trucks, the blind spots are comprised of especially large areas. There are four commonly identifiable blind spots on large semi-trailer trucks. Assuming that the outside rear-view mirrors are perfectly set, the truck’s blind spots are located:
- Immediately in front of the truck’s cab
- Just below and behind the driver’s side window
- On the right side of the cab and extending back toward the end of the trailer
- Directly behind the truck trailer
If the driver’s mirrors are not optimally set, the blind spots can be even larger. No matter what, it is difficult, if not downright impossible, for truck drivers to see anything in these areas. Truckers are expected to do their best to keep their eyes moving and check these blind spots before turning, changing lanes, and braking. But even when they do that, sometimes they cannot see another vehicle – especially when their 18 wheeler is slowing down on an interstate highway and the driver of the other vehicle is gaining on them at the posted speed. In these types of situations, other cars can seemingly appear out of nowhere.
A slang term for a truck blind spot accident is a “no-zone” collision. Defense lawyers call them that because when representing a defendant, for example a trucking company, in an injury claim or lawsuit stemming from a truck accident, the term helps them shift the blame for the accident to the injured victim, or the plaintiff. They might allege that the driver negligently traveled into the truck’s “no-zone.” But even if you were entering a truck’s so-called “no-zone” when the collision occurred, the driver may still be legally responsible for the accident. This is because in most of these collisions, the truck driver either makes an error or isn’t paying close enough attention. A skilled personal injury attorney can help their client pursue compensation even in these situations by conducting extensive investigations into the accident to disprove the defense’s “no-zone” arguments.
Truck Blind Spot Accident Injury Claims
All vehicles have blind spots, but due to the sheer size of a semi-trailer truck, especially if it’s a box or tandem (two trailers), it is extremely difficult for even the most careful and alert trucker to fully see all vehicles that might be near it. Truck drivers must exercise a high level of care when they drive. That includes being especially watchful when turning, switching lanes, or slowing down, all of which can cause a blind spot collision that seriously injures or kills the occupants of smaller vehicles as well as the truck itself.
An experienced accident lawyer can investigate the cause of a truck blind spot accident to determine whether a driver, along with the company that employs them, is liable for injuries that resulted from their negligence. The seasoned truck accident attorneys at our firm not only work tirelessly to pursue their client’s claim so that accident victims can focus on recovery from their injuries, but they are highly skilled at dealing with insurance companies and defense attorneys that will attempt to release the defendant from all liability. If you or your loved ones have been injured in a Maryland truck blind spot accident, be sure to contact our law office today to schedule a free case evaluation and explore your options for filing a claim.