Common Conditions for Workers’ Compensation in Maryland

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On-the-job injuries can be a risk in nearly any occupation. While some jobs are more dangerous than others, workers’ compensation law protects almost every employee in Maryland. Most employers must obtain this insurance to provide medical care and wage reimbursement in case of an on-the-job injury.

These injuries come in many forms. However, it can be helpful to separate them into the categories of accidental personal injuries and occupational diseases. Both kinds of injuries can result in the payment of benefits but use different legal standards. As a result, common conditions of workers’ compensation in Maryland vary greatly depending upon a person’s job duties. Reach out to a dedicated workers’ compensation attorney to learn more.

Injuries that Result from Isolated Accidents

According to the Maryland Code, Labor and Employment §9-101(a), the term “accidental personal injury” means an injury that arises out of and in the course of employment. In other words, a workplace accident is one that happens while an employee is on the clock and performing their usual work duties. Notably, these do not include incidents of intentional violence, injuries that occur while on break, or injuries that occur because of horseplay.

Common examples of accidental workplace injuries that may qualify for Maryland workers’ compensation include:

  • Broken bones from falling tools
  • Strained backs from lifting heavy boxes
  • Machinery accidents that inflict severe cuts
  • Motor vehicle accidents, if one’s job involves driving
  • Slips and falls on a warehouse floor
  • Tripping downstairs in an office building

As long as the employer must retain insurance for their employees, and the injury meets the definition of an accidental personal injury, the incident qualifies for workers’ compensation in Maryland.

Injuries due to Occupational Disease

The other main source of compensable workers’ compensation injuries is occupational diseases. Under Maryland Code, Labor and Employment §9-101(g), an occupational disease means one that arises out of the course of one’s employment.

The burden is on the injured employee to show that their disease has a connection to their time on the job. Workers must have a doctor’s note indicating the causal connection between their employment and medical condition.

Common examples of occupational diseases include:

  • Cancers that result from exposure to toxic substances such as asbestos
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health concerns connected to stressful or traumatic jobs, such as paramedics
  • Chronic back pain from years of heavy lifting

Much like in the case of accidental injuries, a claimant must prove that they were doing their job and that this occupation caused their condition. An attorney could help explain the differences between occupational disease and accidental workplace injuries in Maryland workers’ compensation laws.

Ask a Lawyer about which Conditions Commonly Lead to Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Maryland

Workers’ compensation insurance policies provide valuable benefits to employees who suffer workplace injuries. However, the laws in Maryland are restrictive in defining what a constitutes a workplace injury or occupational disease. In short, these include accidental injuries, such as broken bones, or occupational diseases, such as cancer, that arise out of doing one’s job.

An attorney could help you to pursue a claim based on either of these principles. They can work to explain workers’ compensation laws in Maryland and to move forward with any appeals that may be necessary after an insurance denial. Contact a lawyer today to learn more about the common conditions of workers’ compensation in Maryland.

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