Meeting with Insurance Companies during a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim

Meeting with Insurance Companies during a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim Contact Us Today
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Pursuing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland is often a delicate balance between wanting to seem cooperative and protecting one’s legal rights. Nowhere is this more obvious than when an insurance company wants to meet to discuss your claim.

The most important thing to remember is that insurance companies are for-profit companies. They are looking to protect their financial interests by avoiding payment and to protect their clients, your employer, from having to pay increased premiums. As a result, a meeting with an insurance company during a Maryland workers’ compensation claim may be risky without representation. Reach out to a dedicated workers’ compensation attorney for advice and guidance.

Preparing for a Meeting

Meeting with an insurance company after a workplace injury is often inevitable. The insurance representative has the right to investigate the claim, and taking a statement is part of this process. To minimize the chances of damaging a claim, employees should know what to expect.

Maryland Code, Labor and Employment §9-101(a) states that a workers’ compensation insurance company must only provide benefits if the injury is the result of doing one’s job. The insurance company, therefore, looks over the notice a claimant provided to their employer in an attempt to discover any inconsistencies. If a claimant provides a different statement during a meeting, this can give the company the right to deny payment. Understanding the content of an original notice can help injured workers avoid contradicting themselves during an interview.

What to Expect During a Meeting

Evidence the insurance company gathers during a meeting could provide justification to deny payment. Additionally, the insurance company represents the employer. As a result, a claimant may feel that they are at a disadvantage during these sessions.

It is reasonable for an insurance company to record these meetings. Remember that a recording or transcript may be evidence during an appeal before the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. Workers should speak with respect but stand their ground on important issues such as:

  • How and when the injury occurred
  • The extent of the injury
  • How long that injury has kept one out of work
  • The medical care that a claimant has received

A representative from the insurance company will be at the meeting, and they may bring legal counsel. Similarly, an employer may be present with their own attorney. Claimants have the right to bring their own lawyer to object to questions and provide advice. A Maryland attorney could help protect an injured worker’s interests at meetings with insurance companies.

Meeting with Insurance Companies during a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim is a Critical Event

Every portion of a Maryland workers’ compensation claim is important to receiving benefits. However, perhaps no portion of the claims process is as critical as meeting with the insurance company. These companies have every right to collect evidence, but you must be sure your statements are consistent.

Providing inconsistent statements may lead an insurance company to believe that you are lying, or at the very least are hiding something. They may also try to deceive you into waiving away rights or returning to the job before you are ready. An attorney could provide preparation and guidance when meeting with insurance companies during a Maryland workers’ compensation claim. Call today to discuss your case.

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