Frederick Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Frederick Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Contact Us Today
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Whether you are working in an office or on a construction site, you should not be subjected to on the job injuries. If you were injured at work, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical bills and lost wages. It may be in your best interest to speak with a Frederick workers’ compensation lawyer about your claim. Seek help from a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a program that requires employers to carry insurance that covers any illnesses or injuries an employee might suffer while working for them. Workers’ comp is a no-fault system, which means that an employee does not need to prove that the employer’s negligence caused their injury or illness. They need only prove the injury occurred while they were working for that employer.

What Types of Businesses Are Required to Have Workers’ Comp Insurance?

All businesses in the state are required to have workers’ comp insurance. Any businesses that fails to maintain insurance could be fined by the state.

Business owners who are sole proprietors, in a partnership, or have an annual payroll of less than $15,000 are exempt from this requirement. A local attorney could help an injured employee determine if their employer should have workers’ compensation

Steps to Take After an On the Job Injury in Frederick

Anyone who has suffered an injury at work should report it to their employer as soon as possible. The state allows employers to choose what doctors and medical facilities their employees may go to. Those who fail to abide by this rule could risk their claim being denied.

Those seeking to file a claim can do so online through the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) website. A skilled attorney could help an employee file their workers’ compensation claim.

Recovering Damages in a Workers’ Comp Claim

A workers’ compensation claim could cover medical costs related to:

  • Hospitalization
  • Treatment
  • Surgery
  • Prescriptions
  • Medical equipment

Injured employees may also seek compensation for lost wages, lost vocational training, and temporary or permanent disability. Workers’ comp does not allow the employee to seek punitive or exemplary damages. Injured parties should reach out to a workers’ compensation lawyer in the area who could identify what damages they may be able to recover.

Workplace Accidents Leading to Death

If an employee dies from an on the job accident, their family may be entitled to collect death benefits. In Maryland, any dependent family member may apply for these benefits.

In addition to medical costs, the family is entitled to collect around two-thirds of the deceased’s regular wage for a period of five to ten years. A workers’ comp attorney could assist anyone who has lost a loved one due to a workplace accident.

Appealing Workers’ Comp Claims

Occasionally, an injured party’s application for workers’ comp may be refused. An employee may also receive inadequate compensation that does not cover their medical costs and other losses. If this is the case, an employee could appeal the worker’s compensation decision with the help of a seasoned lawyer.

Seek Legal Help from a Frederick Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you were injured on the job, you may need the help of a Frederick workers’ compensation lawyer. An attorney experienced in handling workers’ comp claims could help you recover fair compensation for your injuries and protect your rights. Call our office today to schedule a consultation with a legal professional.

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