Frederick Child Injury Lawyer

Frederick Child Injury Lawyer Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

Any type of personal injury fully or partially caused by another person’s negligence can have devastating effect. However, when someone’s negligence injures a child, who is still growing and developing, that kid could be left facing medical complications for the rest of their life. If your child has been hurt because of another person’s reckless action or negligence, a Frederick child injury lawyer could help you seek justice in the form of monetary compensation from the at-fault party. Reach out to a knowledgeable personal injury attorney today.

Deadline to File a Child Injury Case

Per Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings § 5-101, the standard deadline to file a personal injury case with the state’s civil courts is three years from the date that the person sustains harm. In the case of a child injury claim, the statutory deadline works differently. Under Maryland law, when a minor child is injured due to someone’s negligence the child has until their 21st birthday, or three years after they become a legal adult, to start a civil claim. However, there are numerous other factors that could affect the statutory deadline, so it is best to speak with a child injury attorney in Frederick who could provide further guidance on the matter.

Common Claims

Child injury claims can arise from a wide range of accidents, including playground accidents, negligent supervision of a childcare worker, auto accidents, bicycle collisions, dog bite incidents, and school bus crashes. Other common types of child injury claims include dangerous product injuries, pool accidents, and injuries during recess at school.

Proving Liability After a Kid has Been Injured

Recovering compensation in a child injury case hinges on whether or not liability can be established. The at-fault individual or business must have owed a legal duty of care to the child and violated that duty. Furthermore, this violation must have directly caused the child’s injuries and losses for the at-fault party to be held liable for damages. If a driver violates their legal obligation to operate their vehicle in a reasonable manner and injures a child as a result, a court may find the driver liable for the child’s damages.

Compensatory Damages Available to Children and Parents

A local child injury attorney could help parents or guardians pursue compensatory damages on the child’s behalf. Damages could be recovered for the child’s pain, suffering, medical expenses, therapy costs, and other expenses associated with their injury. If a parent misses time from work to care for their child, damages may also be claimed for their lost wages. Other forms of compensation may include emotional distress, mental anguish, and punitive damages.

Speak with a Frederick Child Injury Attorney Today

If your child was the victim of another person’s negligence, you may have sufficient grounds to take legal action against the at-fault party. A Frederick child injury lawyer could evaluate your family’s case to determine your available legal options. An attorney could fight hard to win secure a just settlement for your child’s injuries and losses. Call right away to get started on your case.

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