The topic of police misconduct has received heightened attention recently, due in large part to a series of highly-publicized incidents in Maryland as well as across the country. It is impossible to overstate the damage that can result when law enforcement officers betray the trust placed in them by the public and engage in a range of unjust practices.
If you or someone you love has been mistreated by a public safety officer, and you wish to learn more about your options, a Prince George’s County police brutality lawyer is ready to assist. Speak with a skilled personal injury attorney today and know that you are in capable hands.
Police Misconduct and Breaches of the Public Trust
It is well-understood that law enforcement professionals in just about every community are afforded a great degree of trust and confidence. They are charged with lending a hand in times of crisis, keeping the peace and taking steps to ensure that the laws are upheld.
In most cases, these public servants meet and exceed citizens’ expectations, but there are unfortunately times when individual officers fall short.
Poor judgment, uncontrolled anger and blatant disregard for established policies and protocols on the part of some can yield severe injuries, emotional harm and in extreme cases, fatalities.
Common Police Misconduct Fact Patterns in PG County
The potential scenarios in which law enforcement professionals can engage in actionable misconduct are seemingly innumerable. Serious violations of civil rights in the public safety context can be committed by a range of individuals, including:
- Correctional facility staff
- Police officers
- Prison guards
- Sheriffs
- Federal agents
Some of the more frequently occurring misconduct fact patterns for which victims may wish to seek compensation include the application of excessive physical force, use of undue restraints, unnecessary and degrading strip searches, sexual assault, blackmail or coercive tactics, racial profiling and illegal interrogations.
Fighting for Fairness on Behalf of Police Brutality Victims
Police brutality and misconduct cases can and regularly do implicate a range of state statutes and federal laws. It is important to note that a large number of matters in this realm rely primarily on the safeguards contained in 42 U.S.C. §1983.
In essence, this statute prohibits anyone acting under the color of state law from violating a citizens’ fundamental constitutional rights. As such, it is common for attorneys to lean heavily on these protections when seeking justice in matters related to improper police pursuits, excessive force and the like.
Demanding Accountability from Law Enforcement
Anyone who has ever been subjected to police misconduct or brutality can attest to the feelings of helplessness that arise as a result. The inherent power of the state and its law enforcement arms can prove truly intimidating and may prevent many from seeking the justice they deserve.
It is crucial to remember that nobody is entitled to break the law, and a skilled civil rights attorney knows what it takes to secure accountability and financial compensation from public safety personnel who do.
An experienced PG County’s police brutality lawyer could conduct a comprehensive investigation of the facts of each person’s case, interviewing witnesses, and securing critical documentary evidence.
Because it is also essential for a plaintiff to comply with strict notice requirements and timelines that apply to lawsuits of this type, the sooner a relationship with a Prince George’s County police misconduct attorney is established, the greater the likelihood of success.
How a Prince George’s County Police Brutality Attorney Can Protect Your Right
There can be no denying that when a law enforcement officer engages in misconduct or acts of unwarranted physical brutality, the detrimental effects on the victim as well as the broader community are profound.
For this reason, it is often possible for those subjected to such treatment to receive substantial financial compensation as well as a sense of vindication from the courts.
If you have suffered at the hands of a public safety official who overstepped the bounds of propriety, a Prince George’s County police brutality lawyer is the advocate you need, as they can effectively help you understand 1983 violations and what to do moving forward.