Montgomery County Elevator Accident Lawyer

Although elevator accidents are uncommon, they can cause significant injuries that require expensive medical care and extended rehabilitation. For victims of elevator accidents, it can also be difficult to determine who is responsible for their traumatic experience.

Property owners have a legal obligation to ensure their elevators are safe for use and operation. Responsible owners have their elevators inspected, maintained, and repaired on a regular basis. Unfortunately, some property owners fail to take basic, commonsense measures to prevent accidents. These people can and should be held accountable for their negligence.

If you were injured in an elevator accident, contact an experienced Montgomery County attorney today. A Montgomery County elevator accident lawyer could help determine who was at fault and how they could be held liable for your injuries.

Who is at Fault in an Elevator Accident?

When an accident occurs, the owner of the elevator will not always be at fault. The elevator manufacturer can also be responsible for allowing a malfunctioning or subpar product to reach the market, so injured parties may be able to hold them liable. Instead of a filing a premises liability claim, those injured by poorly manufactured elevators would need to file a product liability claim if they wish to obtain compensation.

To prove a manufacturer is responsible for their injuries, an injured person and their elevator accident lawyer must prove the elevator was defective or unreasonably dangerous. To do this, they will need to prove the elevator contains one or more of the following defects:

  • Design defect, or a flaw in the initial design of a product that causes it to be unsafe. Design defects are problematic even before a product is manufactured.
  • Manufacturing defect, or a flaw that occurs during the course of manufacturing or assembly.
  • Marketing defect, or a flaw in the way a product is marketed to the public. This includes insufficient instructions, mislabeling, or inadequate safety warnings.

If an injured party can prove the elevator that caused their injury had one of these defects, they may be entitled to compensation from the maker of the elevator.

The Physical and Mental Impact of Elevator Accidents

Elevator accidents in MoCo can be debilitating, and in some cases deadly. Elevators are powerful machines that can cause significant harm, so most accident survivors suffer lasting effects. Physical injuries may include severe head and neck trauma or loss of limbs. Accidents can cause irreversible psychological trauma in many cases, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, or PTSD.

When a person suffers from acute physical and mental trauma, they often need extensive and long-term medical care, possibly for the rest of their lives. Such care can result in astronomical medical bills, even if the accident survivor has excellent health insurance.

An experienced elevator accident lawyer in the MoCo area could discuss possibilities for recovery through a potential premises or product liability claim. Financial compensation can help minimize the significant burden on elevator accident survivors so they may focus on their physical and mental recovery.

Let a Compassionate Montgomery County Elevator Accident Attorney Help You

If you were injured in an elevator accident, you may still be in the healing process. It is important to take time for recovery and regain a sense of normalcy in your life. Unfortunately, personal injury claims can also take time, and courts often refuse to hear cases that were not filed in a timely manner.

A diligent attorney could counsel and guide injured victims through any legal actions so that they may focus on their recovery. Contact a Montgomery County elevator accident lawyer today to learn more about your potential claim to compensation.