Owings Mills Personal Injury Lawyer
Whether it stems from a car wreck, an accident inside a retail store, a mistake by a healthcare provider, or even a bite from someone else’s pet, a personal injury of any kind can throw off your future plans and leave you with thousands of dollars in unexpected expenses. To make matters more complicated, holding someone else accountable for a personal injury can be a challenging process under even the best of circumstances, thanks in large part to some particularly plaintiff-unfriendly laws that are relatively unique to the state of Maryland.
With assistance from an Owings Mills personal injury lawyer, though, you could greatly improve your odds of getting the financial restitution you deserve following a major accident. A qualified attorney could explain your legal options to you during an initial consultation, and once retained, they could work tirelessly on your behalf to protect your rights and best interests.
Negligence as Grounds for Litigation
While there are some exceptions under specific circumstances, the vast majority of personal injury claims involve an injured plaintiff seeking to hold a defendant liable for damages based on that defendant’s “negligence.” In the context of civil litigation, a person is negligent when they violate a duty of care by doing something reckless or careless and cause an accident—with subsequent injuries and losses—as a direct result.
What kinds of behavior constitute negligence will vary significantly depending on the type of accident a case is about, as well as the circumstances leading up to the incident in question. Likewise, some actions may be negligent in some situations but not negligent in others—for example, a driver who stops suddenly in the middle of the road might be acting reasonably if they were trying to avoid hitting a stray animal that ran in front of them. Guidance from an Owings Mills personal injury attorney can be crucial to both determining whether a plaintiff has valid grounds for a claim and making the most of that claim once the litigation process begins.
Recovering Compensation While Avoiding Fault
So long as they can prove that someone else’s negligence was the direct cause of at least one physical injury that necessitated professional medical care, an accident victim can hold that negligent individual financially responsible for every form of harm they can connect directly to the accident in question, not just medical bills. Other recoverable damages may include lost work wages, loss of consortium with a spouse, pain and suffering, repair or replacement costs for damaged property, and loss of enjoyment of life.
However, civil recovery as a whole in Maryland hinges on a plaintiff’s ability to prove that they themselves bore no fault whatsoever for their injuries or the circumstances leading up to them since state civil courts follow a pure contributory negligence standard when ruling on civil claims. Working to prevent this legal principle from denying an accident victim the compensation they need is another area where a personal injury lawyer in Owings Mills could provide substantial and invaluable assistance.
Speak with an Owings Mills Personal Injury Attorney
The prospect of filing suit for damages after a severe accident can be understandably intimidating, especially if you have no prior experience with civil litigation as a plaintiff or as a defendant. Fortunately, help is available from a dedicated legal representative with experience helping people just like you through situations just like yours.
If you want the best possible chances of a favorable case resolution, you owe it to yourself to seek counsel from a seasoned Owings Mills personal injury lawyer. Call today to set up a meeting.