Maryland Meningitis Misdiagnosis Lawyer

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Meningitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening medical condition, especially when it occurs in children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines meningitis as a swelling or inflammation of the meninges, which are protective membranes that cover the spinal cord and brain. Meningitis can be bacterial, viral, fungal, or non-infectious. It can also be parasitic or caused by a devastating brain infection called primary amebic meningoencephalitis.

Meningitis is often confused for other medical conditions, which can be devastating when prompt treatment is not provided. While bacterial meningitis can cause brain damage or death even when properly treated, the chances of complications increase significantly the longer a patient goes without appropriate care.

Meningitis misdiagnoses can give rise to a claim of medical malpractice brought by the affected patient or by surviving family members when death results. An experienced attorney, such as a Maryland meningitis misdiagnosis lawyer, can provide assistance in pursuing a case for damages.

Risks of Meningitis Misdiagnosis

Symptoms of meningitis generally come on quickly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that common symptoms in babies can include poor appetite, difficulty waking, fatigue, fever, and irritability. Adults may experience a fever, a stiff neck, a headache, difficulty waking, sensitivity to lights, fatigue, vomiting, and nausea.

While these symptoms can be indicative of many medical conditions, including non-serious health problems, trained doctors should recognize symptoms and risk factors of meningitis. When meningitis is suspected, the CDC suggests that a spinal tap or lumber puncture should generally be performed for accurate diagnosis.

A spinal tap involves the collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) for testing. Chest x-rays, blood cultures, a CT scan, and other diagnostic tests may also be necessary.

If bacterial meningitis is discovered, treatment with appropriate antibiotic medications should be provided. Antibiotics are not effective for viral meningitis, but viral meningitis is generally not considered a medical emergency and symptoms will usually resolve within a few weeks.

Failure to provide antibiotic treatment for bacterial meningitis, however, can result in a buildup of fluid between the brain and skull, brain damage, loss of hearing, seizures, and other life-threatening complications.

Medical Malpractice and Meningitis Misdiagnosis

Misdiagnosing meningitis malpractice in Maryland can result in a medical malpractice claim. However, such cases are complicated because meningitis often causes serious complications even with treatment. This can make it difficult for patients to distinguish the extent of harm caused by the delayed treatment or misdiagnosis from the harm which would have occurred even with appropriate medical care.

An experienced Maryland meningitis misdiagnosis attorney can help patients to obtain medical records, determine the damage resulting from misdiagnosis, and put together a strong medical malpractice claim.

Getting Legal Help After Meningitis Misdiagnosis

If you or your loved one was incorrectly diagnosed and did not receive proper treatment for any medical condition, a meningitis misdiagnosis attorney in Maryland can help you to recover for losses resulting from the negligence of your healthcare providers.

Give us a call today to learn more about the legal assistance that we can offer and about your rights in pursuing a case for compensation when you or a family member received incorrect or delayed treatment.

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