What Is a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Montgomery County?

Wondering what a workers’ compensation claim in Montgomery County is? These claims allow you to obtain much-needed benefits after you have suffered a work-related injury or occupational disease.

The workers’ compensation system in Montgomery County is “no-fault,” meaning a worker will not be denied benefits just because they were negligent in causing their own injury. “Fault” is not an issue at all. However, the insurance companies responsible for paying these claims are skilled at finding excuses to deny them.

A better understanding of the claims process could help you recover the benefits you deserve. Perhaps the most important step you could take is working closely with an experienced Montgomery County workers’ compensation lawyer.

What Are Some of the Benefits Available?

There are two broad categories of benefits available in a successful compensation claim: medical expenses and disability benefits.

Medical benefits pay for the costs of treating an injury or occupational illness. There is no time limit on how long someone could receive treatment for an injury as benefits are available until treatment is complete. Commonly, these benefits could cover the cost of emergency room visits or surgeries. In some cases they could also pay for medical equipment and even prosthetic devices.

Disability benefits compensate a worker for their away from work due to injury. These benefits could be temporary or last a lifetime. Generally, the compensation received represents a portion of worker’s weekly wages. An attorney with experience handling Montgomery County workers’ compensation claims could help injured workers understand how a compensation claim in Montgomery County could help them recover their benefits.

How to File a Claim

For a worker to receive benefits for their injury, they must go through the claims process. Before filing a claim, however, the first step for a worker is to notify their employer of the injury. State law requires a worker to provide this notice within ten days of the accident, either orally or in writing. However, some exceptions waive this deadline.

The next step in a claim is with the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. This step involves filing a claim online at the Commission website. Along with the claim form, an injured worker must also provide an executed Authorization of Medical Information form. This form allows the commission to access a worker’s medical records to review the accuracy of the claim.

Is There a Timeline to File with the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission?

A worker is required to file a claim with the Commission within 2 years of their injury. While exceptions may be found to this deadline, they are rare.

How a Montgomery County Workers’ Compensation Attorney Could Help

Workers’ compensation claims in Montgomery County operate under a complex set of rules unlike those in traditional negligence lawsuits. These cases are overseen in special proceedings using esoteric sets of rules.

Because of the unique nature of the workers’ compensation system, handling a claim without the help of a lawyer often results in disaster. One technical error could result in a significant delay in receiving your benefits, or a total denial. Call today to find out how a Montgomery County workers’ compensation lawyer could assist you.