Who May Be Held Responsible for Lead Poisoning in Baltimore?

Who May Be Held Responsible for Lead Poisoning in Baltimore? Contact Us Today
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Lead paint is by far the most common source of lead poisoning in Baltimore. This paint primarily is found in buildings and residences built before 1978, when lead was still a standard component of house paint. When injuries from lead poisoning result, you may wish to consider who may be held responsible for lead poisoning in Baltimore.

In many cases, negligent landlords or property owners could be liable for lead poisoning injuries. Failure to maintain their premises or comply with applicable regulations regarding lead paint exposure prevention and abatement can lead to financial responsibility for these individuals.

A skilled Baltimore lead paint poisoning lawyer could work to evaluate your situation and determine whether you have a viable claim for damages against any parties for lead poisoning injuries.

Effects of Lead Poisoning in Baltimore

Lead paint poisoning, which often occurs in older residences and apartments, can lead to catastrophic and irreversible injuries. This is a particular risk for young children who are still developing physically and mentally. Some of the effects that lead poisoning can produce in children include:

  • Developmental delays
  • Slowed growth rates
  • ADHD
  • Learning disabilities

Children who are exposed to lead also often experience headaches, seizures, aggressive behaviors, hearing loss, and permanent brain damage. Pregnant women who suffer lead exposure may end up giving birth prematurely, have low birthweight babies, and have babies with growth problems.

Unfortunately, most of the effects of lead poisoning are permanent. While some treatments exist for severe cases, there is generally no way to reverse some of the damages that lead poisoning causes to the brains of developing children. As a result, pursuing any compensation claims may be crucial to injury victims, and determining lead poisoning responsibility in Baltimore is an integral part of the claims process.

The Responsibility of Property Owners for Lead Paint Poisoning

Baltimore Health Department regulations and state law require that individuals who own residential properties abate lead paint problems when they arise. These regulations require the registration of pre-1978 buildings and specify the correct and effective ways to remediate the lead paint in them. Unfortunately, landlords and property owners do not always comply with these regulations.

As a result, shoddy maintenance and improper attempts at remediating lead paint often results in deteriorating conditions in this homes, apartments, and buildings, including chipped and peeling lead-based paint, as well as lead dust produced by sanding painted surfaces. Children and pregnant women may be at particular risk of lead paint poisoning. All too often, children handle or ingest peeling paint, paint chips, or lead paint dust, which results in lead poisoning.

If individuals suffer injuries due to lead poisoning, landlords, and property owners may bear responsibility for lead poisoning in Baltimore. They may be liable for damages through a personal injury lawsuit. Legal counsel may be able to represent the interests of families who have suffered permanent impairments due to lead poisoning in their residences.

Public Housing and Government Liability for Lead Poisoning

Local government entities often administer public housing programs, including multi-family housing. Public housing buildings may be older, which means that they also may contain lead paint. If public housing authorities fail to maintain buildings containing lead paint, they also may be responsible when lead poisoning injuries occur.

Since public housing agencies are government entities, they are subject to special rules for filing claims for compensation against them. As a result, getting legal advice in this situation can be essential to the ability to hold these entities accountable for their negligence.

Determine Who May Be Held Responsible for Baltimore Lead Poisoning

When you or someone in your family receives a lead poisoning diagnosis, you may be unsure where to turn first. Getting medical care is always of the utmost importance, but so is protecting your legal rights. You may want to know who may be held responsible for lead poisoning in Baltimore, and if you are able to pursue compensation from those parties based on your injuries.

From the settlement process to a formal trial, you are likely to need aggressive legal representation to seek compensation that your family needs and deserves.

As the effects of lead poisoning can be severe and permanently, you may need financial assistance for ongoing medical care, therapy, and other expenses. Seeking legal counsel may be the most effective way to exercise your rights and ensure that you obtain any compensation to which you may be entitled.

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