Maryland Daycare Health and Safety Standards
There are many daycares across the nation staffed by millions of childcare workers. With so many daycares and workers, the federal and state governments draft rules and regulations to ensure such facilities adhere to a specific standard in regards to health and safety. These regulations must be followed by all childcare facilities, both in-home and out-of-home.
The quality of care a daycare provides is primarily based on how closely they adhere to health and safety regulations. State licensing offices require all professional caretakers to take health and safety training requirements, especially those who care for children who receive federal financial assistance.
If you have any questions about Maryland daycare health and safety standards, the following information may be helpful. Let a compassionate daycare negligence lawyer help you.
Specialized Training and Certifications
Depending on the type of care a facility provides, facility workers may need to possess specific training and certifications. Some caretakers may need to maintain training in one or more of the following areas before they are allowed to care for children:
- Pediatric CPR and first aid
- Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome, safe sleeping practices, and abusive head trauma
- Use of medication
- Emergency preparedness for natural disasters and other events
- Child nutrition, development, and physical activity
There are many other types of certifications and training for caretakers to receive, but the ones listed above are some of the most common.
If a childcare facility is responsible for children with special needs, they must be able to meet those needs. Facility workers may need to have additional training, and sometimes, education to properly care for special needs children. The facility setting must also be able to accommodate such children.
Background Checks
Children deserve to be well cared for and safe while under the supervision of a daycare. One of the most important measures a daycare can take in regard to health and safety standards is to perform thorough pre-employment background checks on potential employees.
A person with a history of child abuse or violence should never be allowed to work with children, even if they possess the necessary certifications and qualifications.
A comprehensive background check can reveal if a person is listed in any of the following repositories or databases:
- State sex offender registry
- Child abuse and neglect database
- State criminal repository or registry
- National sex offender registry
- FBI fingerprint registry
In addition to the databases listed above, daycares should know where potential employees lived and worked for at least the last five years.
Licensing Requirements
It is important to note state licensing does not always guarantee quality care; however, it does ensure a facility at least adheres to essential Maryland daycare health and safety standards. Regulations require caretakers who wish to obtain a license to learn about the following topics:
- Building safety (ex: repairs and cleanliness, potential hazards, emergency exits)
- Child supervision
- Food, nutrition, and allergies
- Health and sanitation (ex: immunizations, cleaning, diapering)
- Child-to-staff ratio
Over time, state agencies evaluate childcare facilities to ensure they comply with any necessary health and safety requirements. Facilities who do not may face the prospect of closure or fines.
Learn More About Maryland Daycare Health and Safety Standards
The Maryland daycare health and safety standards are essential for all children and care workers. Daycares that fail to follow these regulations should not be allowed to provide care since they put the well-being of children in jeopardy. Before parents enroll their children in daycare, they should be sure the facility meets the state standards.
Contact a legal professional today to learn more about daycare safety regulations.