What to Do After a Maryland Motorcycle Accident 

What to Do After a Maryland Motorcycle Accident  Contact Us Today
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When a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, it is understandable for them to be confused and disoriented afterward. On top of the obvious potential for physical harm, collisions between motorcycles and other motor vehicles can be very violent, resulting in severe trauma.

Following an accident, it can be difficult to remember what responsibilities you have under the law, and the proper steps you should take to maximize your chances of compensation. Contact a qualified motorcycle accident lawyer if you want more information on what to do after a Maryland motorcycle accident.

Duties Under the Law

Any time that a person operates a vehicle in Maryland, they have a duty to protect the drivers around them. This applies when a person is involved in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who is at fault.

Maryland Transportation Code 20-104 requires that all drivers involved in the accident stop their vehicles, call 911 for medical aid, and provide reasonable assistance. If a person fails to provide this assistance or does not call for medical aid in event of an injury or death, they may face criminal prosecution.

While this statute only requires that the police be called if there has been physical injury, calling the police after any accident is helpful because then they can file an accident report. This accident report will be very useful in their claim against the other driver’s insurance company and relieves drivers of the requirement to submit an accident report.

Not only is calling the police a person’s duty under the law, it is also a great first step in pursuing a personal injury claim and, it reduces the paperwork that an individual would need to complete.

Steps to Strengthen a Case

Calling the police is always a great first step, and if any person involved requires medical attention, calling the police is mandatory. Not only would an individual fulfill their duties as a person involved in an accident, but they are also creating evidence for their claim.

Both insurance adjusters and juries look at police reports and police testimony as impartial and powerful evidence in motorcycle crash cases. Having this report will also allow attorneys to quickly evaluate case from an impartial perspective.

The next step should always be to visit the nearest emergency room. This is not only necessary for a person’s health and recovery, but also creates stronger evidence for a person’s claim by documenting their injuries.

Many injuries, especially those to soft tissue, do not present with immediate pain due to the adrenaline rush and shock of the accident. Even if they do not believe that they are seriously injured, a visit to the ER can confirm this.

It is also extremely important to pursue any follow-up treatment advised by the ER doctor. Whether this is orthopedic work, physical therapy, or surgery, a steady treatment schedule is not only the best for recovering, but also provides useful documentation of their injuries and medical costs.

Do Not Speak to the Insurance Company

It is vital that people do not provide any statements about the accident to the other driver’s insurance company, at least not before hiring an attorney. The only person that a victim should be talking to about the accident is the police officer and a lawyer.

Any statement a person gives to an insurance adjuster will be preserved for future settlement negotiations and may even be introduced as evidence in a future trial.

The same can be said for signing any paperwork from the opposing insurance company. Anything that a person signs will be binding and this includes any statements about the facts of the accident and settlement offers.

If a person is wondering what to do after a Maryland motorcycle accident, they should remember to call the police, especially if someone is hurt. This will fulfill their legal responsibility and will create an impartial police report. It is also important to visit the nearest emergency room and follow up on treatment, and not sign anything or give any statements without an attorney to help.

Talk to a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Do not take any chances with the insurance companies who may try to trick you into a quick settlement or into giving a statement against your interests. If you are wondering what to do after a Maryland motorcycle accident. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, get in contact with an attorney to see how they can help you recover compensation for your pain and suffering.

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