Common Types of Brain Injury in Maryland

Common Types of Brain Injury in Maryland Contact Us Today
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Brain injuries are extremely serious and quite frightening. They can cause irreversible damage in an instant, and the full effects are often not always immediately obvious—sometimes taking days, weeks, or months to materialize. Because most serious brain injuries cannot be reversed, it is up to medical professionals to do everything they can to try to minimize the damage by getting control of the situation as quickly as possible after injury occurs. If that is not the case, or if you suffered your traumatic brain injury (TBI) as the result of another person or entity’s negligence, you should speak with an attorney who is well-versed in Maryland personal injury cases dealing with brain injuries and appropriate compensation.

Some Common Brain Injuries Seen in Maryland

Here are some, but not all, of the most common types of brain injuries. Please rest assured, however, that our Maryland Brain Injury Lawyers can assist you with your civil claim regardless of the injury in question.

  • Traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury occurs when there is damage to the brain, potentially impairing function. Examples of TBI include, but are not necessarily limited to:
    • Concussion. This occurs when there is a blow to the head or even a whiplash type of movement. It can be caused by sports injuries, auto accidents, and more. Concussions are the most common type of brain injury. And though concussions may be common, that doesn’t mean they’re not serious. A concussion can cause nerve damage and brain swelling in some cases. It’s important that you be seen by a medical professional as soon as possible after suffering a possible concussion, even in seemingly mild cases.
    • Contusion. This is bleeding on the brain. It could also be thought of as a bruise on the brain. If the contusion is quite large, it may even require surgery to remove it.
    • Shaking or whiplash injuries. These occur whenever there is an extreme amount of shaking or rotating of the head. It has been in the news in recent years with cases of “Shaken Baby Syndrome,” where small children have died as a result of being vigorously shaken. The shaking, regardless of the age of the victim, causes tears and other brain injuries.
  • Acquired brain injury. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, an acquired brain injury includes all types of traumatic brain injuries and also brain injuries caused after birth by cerebral vascular accidents (commonly known as stroke), and loss of oxygen to the brain (referred to as hypoxic brain injury).

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

A brain injury might be caused by:

  • Falls (contributing to up to 35 percent of all traumatic brain injuries)[i]
  • Auto accidents (including motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and bicycle accidents)
  • Assault
  • Sports injuries
  • Explosions (this is the most common cause of brain injury for many of our military service men and women; brain injury can occur even without other injuries after a blast)
  • Falling objects
  • Construction accidents
  • Medical or surgical errors

This list is just a sample of the common types of brain injuries, but there are many more examples out there.

Symptoms of Brian Injuries

These are just a few of the symptoms a brain injury – even a mild one – can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Blurry vision
  • Loss of memory
  • Problems with concentration
  • Speech issues (inability to speak coherently)
  • Personality changes

Brain injuries are not always obvious, and they’re not always easy to diagnose. Even if the injury is known, it can be difficult to predict what the future will hold in terms of recovery probability. Regardless, you should seek medical attention immediately if there has been any chance of brain injury occurring.

Compensation for Negligence Causing Personal Injury

As with other personal injuries, brain injuries may be compensable if caused by another’s negligence. This is where a legal professional will prove most valuable in assisting you as you seek civil justice. In cases of negligence causing injury, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future medical expenses. As long as you pursue compensation within Maryland’s three-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases, and as long as negligence or fault can be proven, there’s a good chance you’re entitled to compensation for the harms and losses you have suffered.

Experience Counts in Personal Injury Claims

It’s important to have a well-qualified personal injury during this process because many cases are settled by insurance companies out of court. The cost of brain injuries can add up quickly, and the consequences can be permanent. But insurance companies are often more concerned with their clients’ profit margins than your ability to regain control of your life. The personal injury attorneys at our firm are dedicated to ensuring that your best interests are served and will work aggressively to fight for the best possible settlement or, if necessary, to fight for the greatest damage award possible in court. They do this to ensure that not only your needs are met, but to also make sure that those responsible for your injury are forced to take corrective action to avoid any future incidents or injury. Contact our Maryland practice group today to find out how our attorneys can help protect your rights and hold those responsible to task.

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