Annapolis Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing home abuse is a serious problem in American society. As the baby boomer population continues to age, nursing home abuse will continue to be an issue. Elderly individuals are a vulnerable segment of the population, and countless families entrust nursing homes with the well-being of their loved ones. If you suspect your loved one of being subjected to abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Contact a skilled Annapolis nursing home abuse lawyer to start discussing your potential legal options.

No one should be abused, especially, in the later years of their life. If you are ready to obtain justice for you and your loved one, you will need to hire a compassionate personal injury lawyer who understands how devastating these types of cases can feel. Reach out and schedule a legal consultation today.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse comes in a myriad of forms, and it can be remarkably difficult to spot. Some nursing homes become hotbeds of abuse and neglect, and it is important for the family members of patients to understand the signs of abuse. Unexplained bruises, broken bones, and injuries, as well as unclean living conditions, are classic signs of abuse. Other common signs of abuse include:

  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Sudden and inexplicable weight loss
  • Disappearance of personal belongings
  • Bed sores and infections

Patients in nursing homes are usually elderly or extremely ill, and many are unable to protect themselves against predatory individuals. Some victims are even discouraged from discussing their abuse by intimidating or violent individuals. If the loved one of a nursing home patient suspects abuse, they should call an Annapolis nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.

Signs of an Abusive Nursing Home Environment

The majority of nursing home staff members strive to provide excellent care to their patients. Unfortunately, a slim minority do not care about the well-being of patients, and many find employment in negligent homes that only care about earning money. In recent years, many nursing homes have resorted to understaffing and overworking employees in an effort to cut operating costs. Other signs of an abusive or neglectful nursing home staff or administration include:

  • Improper medication dosages and changes
  • Lack of resident supervision
  • Temperature in home is too hot or too cold
  • Unexplained injuries or changes in medical care
  • Residents allowed to leave premises without supervision

The signs above are not always overt, and negligence can work its way into the culture of any workplace. Loved ones of nursing home patients should be sure to pay attention to the atmosphere of a nursing home and the physical condition of patients.

Emotional and Financial Exploitation of Nursing Home Patients

The emotional and financial exploitation of seniors is a serious problem in nursing homes. Many patients are suffering from conditions such as dementia and depression, and in such as state, patients can be easily manipulated. Ill-intentioned and abusive individuals know this and many will take advantage of vulnerable citizens for financial and personal gain.

These individuals may forge signatures or steal money from nursing home patients. In the most serious cases, they may even attempt to steal the identity of a patient completely. Others may attempt to trick seniors into making poor investment decisions or signing over power of attorney.

Contact an Annapolis Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

Nursing home abuse is insidious, and no one should have to suffer negligence in a skilled nursing facility. If your loved one feels hopeless or powerless in such a situation, you should assure them that they may have legal options to choose from. Contact an Annapolis nursing home abuse lawyer right now if you are ready to fight back against a corrupt nursing home.