Rockville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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The workers’ compensation (WC) system in Rockville is designed to provide benefits for medical bills and lost wages and permanent disability to injured workers. This system is completely unlike a traditional injury lawsuit and negligence does not factor into a claims decision.

As a “no-fault” system of compensation, the laws and procedures of WC are intended to provide benefits to a worker injured in the scope of their employment. However, this system is not fool-proof and there are many reasons insurance companies can use to deny benefits.

If you sustained an injury during a work accident or occupational disease, there is a specific process you must follow to file a claim. A single mistake during this process could cost you the benefits you deserve. To ensure you are protected, discuss your claim with a Rockville workers’ compensation lawyer before filing. Reach out to an attorney today.

Benefits in a Successful Claim

Benefits are not available for every injury suffered by a Rockville worker. However, when a claim is successful, there many types of benefits available. These benefits could help injured workers cover their medical bills or compensate them for their lost wages while healing.

Examples of workers’ compensation benefits include:

  • Temporary disability benefits
  • Permanent disability benefits
  • Necessary medical costs
  • Death benefits
  • Job training
  • Mileage for traveling to the doctor

While all of these benefits play an important role, disability payments are often the most consequential part of a claim.

Limits to Benefits

Not all types of damages in a personal injury suit are available in a workers’ compensation claim. For example, a worker may not recover monetary compensation for their pain and suffering following a work accident, but a worker may be able to get permanent disability benefits for permanent pain, mental and emotional impairments caused by the work injury. If the work injury causes both physical and psychological harm and requires medical care for both, the insurer must authorize and provide all reasonable and necessary treatment. A Rockville workers’ compensation attorney could help an injured worker identify and receive the damages available to their claim.

Identifying Disability Benefits

The rules surrounding disability payments are complex and there are multiple ways to classify an injury. When a doctor evaluates an injured worker, they must identify if the disability is temporary or permanent. They must also decide if the disability is partial or total. This determination is made by the treating doctor, but is often disputed by both parties during the claims process.

Temporary vs. Permanent

The distinction between temporary and permanent disability relates to the amount of time a worker could miss due to their injury. Temporary benefits cover the period of time that the claimant is in active treatment, his condition is still improving and the provider has determined that he has restrictions which prevent him from returning to his pre-injury job.

Impairments are considered permanent once physicians determine that the claimant has reached the point of maximum medical improvement (MMI) and his condition will never improve.

Partial vs. Total

Disabilities are either partial or total. This relates to the extensiveness of the injury. Partially disabled body parts, for example, would allow a worker to be gainfully employed but at a diminished capacity (and typically lower-income) than before the injury. Total disability means that a claimant is incapable of holding suitable gainful employment. A finding of permanent total disability (PTD) entitles the claimant to weekly payments for the rest of his life or until he becomes employed in any gainful capacity.

Discuss a Claim with a Rockville County Workers’ Compensation Attorney

A workers’ compensation claim could give an injured worker a chance to make financial ends meet even when they are out of work. In addition to weekly payments for disability benefits, a claim could also result in coverage of a worker’s medical bills.

These benefit awards are not always straightforward, however. A Rockville workers compensation lawyer could play an essential role in recovering benefits on your behalf. Reach out today for a confidential consultation.

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