Maryland Sexual Abuse in a Youth Organization Lawyer

Maryland Sexual Abuse in a Youth Organization Lawyer Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

According to data released by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), every nine minutes, a child is the victim of sexual assault. Often, survivors of abuse are afraid to speak up for fear of retribution or concerns that their claims will go unheeded. If you or your loved one has been the victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by a member of youth organization, you should consult with a Maryland sexual abuse in a youth organization lawyer at once.

In recent years, waves of sexual allegations have been launched against youth organizations such as Boy Scouts of America, Royal Rangers, Girl Scouts, sports organization, and other youth bodies. A sexual abuse attorney could vigorously defend your rights to ensure that your voice is heard, and your story is made known.

Potential Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse or assault is a contemptible act that may not only inflict significant physical injuries but leave a long-lasting emotional and psychological hardships. Survivors may hesitate to speak against their abuser for a number of reasons. This makes it vital for parents, friends, family members, and others in authority to learn to recognize the warning signs that a youth may be the victim of abuse.

Children who appear to be in pain when sedentary or active, suddenly take on a sexual demeanor, balk from physical interaction, or who are hesitate to trust specific grown-ups could be indicating signs of abuse. Fear of changing clothes around other people, unexplained sexual transmitted infections or urinary tract infections, or acute knowledge of sexual activities that are not fitting for the child’s age may also warn that a youth has been subject to abuse.

Understanding What Constitutes Sexual Abuse

It is important to understand that sexual abuse can take a variety of forms, and the alleged abuser need not necessarily touch the victim for abuse to have taken place. A dedicated Maryland sexual abuse in a youth organization attorney could advocate for those who have suffered assault, rape, unwanted touching, groping, forced sodomy, as well as children who are survivors of more nuanced forms of sexual violence such as exposure to obscene material or being compelled to watch adult sexual activity.

Taking Legal Action Against a Sexual Abuser

If the state files a criminal case against a sexual abuser, the court may order the offender to pay a set amount of financial damages to the victim. However, the assault survivor may have additional legal recourse in the form of a civil lawsuit. A compassionate Maryland attorney could help a victim of sexual abuse in a youth organization pursue a range of compensatory damages from the perpetrator, such as damages for psychological anguish, pain, and suffering.

Pursuing Liable Third-Parties

Other parties besides the actual offender may be liable in a civil sexual abuse lawsuit. In the context of a civil lawsuit filed against a youth organization, the entity could be legally answerable if failed to uphold their legal duty of care to the victim, and this negligence was a factor in the abuse incident. For example, if the youth organization did not adequately address claims of abuse made against the perpetrator or utilized improper pre-employment screening, the victim could have grounds to pursue the organization for damages.

Get Help from a Maryland Sexual Abuse in a Youth Organization Attorney

A Maryland sexual abuse in a youth organization lawyer with an extensive background defending victims of sexual wrongdoing could provide a thorough assessment of your case. An attorney could explain the full scope of your legal options and discuss the best strategies to pursue a claim.

A lawyer could handle all aspects of the lawsuit process from submitting the necessary documentation to ensuring your claim is started on time, allowing you to focus on your emotional and physical recovery. Call today to schedule your confidential consultation. 

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