Bedsores, also referred to as pressure ulcers, are injuries that develop when prolonged pressure is placed on the skin. Bedsores are most common in older and infirm individuals who remain in a single position for an extended period of time, and they tend to develop on bony areas of the body, such as the hips and tailbone.
Bedsores can develop very quickly, and unfortunately, they are often a sign of neglect. No one should be left in a single position for too long, and nursing homes workers should know how to prevent them. If you or a loved one is currently in a nursing home or hospital, it can be helpful to know Maryland nursing home bedsore warning signs.
Common Bedsore Warning Signs
Maryland nursing home bedsore warning signs can be difficult to spot. Fortunately, there are some signs that are hard to ignore. If a patient suffers from any of the following conditions, they may be developing bedsores:
- Changes in the texture or color of the skin
- Draining of pus
- Swelling and tenderness
- Areas of skin that feel warmer to the touch than others
Bedsores are categorized according to their severity. Some bedsores only result in red, painful spots while other, more severe bedsores can cause damage to muscle and bone. When untreated, bedsores can also cause nursing home patients to develop additional medical conditions such as sepsis, cellulitis, joint and bone infections, and even skin cancer.
Preventing Bedsores
Preventing bedsores is relatively simple, and all nursing homes should know how to help mobility-impaired patients avoid them. In addition to maintaining proper hygiene and caring for their skin, patients can avoid bedsores by:
- Shifting their weight periodically – this will prevent them from placing too much pressure on a single part of the body for too long
- Purchasing a specialty wheelchair
- Adjusting the elevation of the bed
- Selecting pressure-relieving mattresses and cushions
- Lifting themselves (if possible)
Nursing home staff members may need to help patients who cannot take precautionary measures on their own.
The Role of Nursing Home Administrators
As mentioned above, nursing home staff members and administrators have an obligation to help patients avoid bedsores. Patients who are mobility-challenged may need assistance moving from time to time, and nursing home workers should be willing to help them do so. Unfortunately, when a patient develops bedsores, more than likely, there is some degree of neglect occurring.
Nursing home administrators know seniors and the infirm are at increased risk for bedsores, and if a person develops bedsores due to negligence, they can be held liable. This may sound extreme, but nursing homes are responsible for hiring capable staff members, administering medical care when necessary, and overseeing the general health of their patients. If a staff member notices a bedsore, they should quickly take note and procure medical treatment for the patient.
Swift and adequate medical care is needed to deal with bedsores, and as previously stated, a simple bedsore can cause additional health problems. To make matters worse, they are painful and unsightly.
Talk to An Attorney About the Maryland Nursing Home Bedsores
If your loved one developed bedsores while in the care of a skilled nursing facility, you may be able to take legal action. No one should be left alone in a single position for an extended period of time, especially if they are older or ill.
The health of you or your loved one is important, and bedsores are extremely preventable. Contact an attorney who knows the Maryland nursing home bedsore warning signs today.