Bedsores Prevention in Maryland Nursing Homes

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Bedsores, typically referred to as pressure ulcers in the medical community, are most common in elderly, bedridden individuals. These sores develop when too much pressure is placed on the skin, and although they are usually not deadly, they can cause infections such as cellulitis, meningitis, and endocarditis.

Bedsores frequently develop in places that contain little to no fat or muscle, such as the elbows, hips, shoulders, and tailbone.

Fortunately, preventing bedsores is relatively simple, and since many elderly individuals are mobility challenged, nursing homes and their employees should be well-versed in the prevention of bedsores. Sadly, many are not, and bedsores are often a sign of neglect and poor living conditions in nursing homes.

Continue reading to learn more about bedsores prevention in Maryland nursing homes.

How to Prevent Bedsores

When the body does not change positions, the skin can be deprived of blood, nutrients, and oxygen, leading to the formation of bedsores. Nursing home employees can take the following steps to prevent bedsores:

  • Keep skin dry and clean – Dry, clean skin is far less likely to develop sores than dirty, moist skin. Nursing home employees should make sure immobile patients are regularly cleaned with mild soap and warm water. After they are bathed, they should be patted dry to ensure no water or moisture is left over.
  • Change positions – Bedsores often form on the skin of patients who are left in one position for long periods of time. To prevent sores, nursing home employees should periodically turn bedridden patients and those with limited mobility. For example, such patients should be left on their side for a period of time, and after a while, they should be turned on their back.
  • Promote exercise – Contrary to popular belief, even bedridden and mobility challenged seniors can benefit from exercise. Basic exercises, adapted to their mobility levels, can help patients prevent bedsores. Exercise facilities the healthy flow of blood, and patients can even exercise in their beds, wheelchairs, or while sitting.
  • Use pillows – Placing pillows underneath areas of the body that contain little muscle or fat can prevent bedsores. The pillow can prevent these parts of the body from pressing against the surface of a bed or chair.

If a nursing home employee notices a patient developing bedsores, they should immediately help them seek medical attention. They should also note the incident and report it to the family of the patient in a timely manner.

Deadly Complications From Bedsores

Bedsores prevention in Maryland nursing homes is important on a variety of levels. As stated above, bedsores are usually not deadly, but in certain cases, they can result in the following medical conditions:

  • Septic arthritis is a bacterial infection that develops in the joints, which can become red, tender, and painful to the touch.
  • If the fluid surrounding the spine and brain becomes infected, a patient can develop meningitis, which can be lethal.
  • Bedsores, especially when they are not treated for an extended period of time, can cause squamous cell skin cancer. Signs of this cancer include skin patches that do not heal and unusual growths on the epidermis.
  • Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection that eats healthy skin tissue.

Other conditions, such as endocarditis, cellulitis, and sepsis can also develop in bedsore patients.

Take Bedsores Prevention in Maryland Nursing Homes Seriously

Bedsores prevention in Maryland nursing homes should be important to all nursing homes. By taking the simple steps mentioned above, employees and homes can keep their patients happy and healthy. Bedsores can be deadly if left unchecked, and sadly, they are often a sign of neglect.

If you believe your loved one developed bedsores while in the care of a nursing home, you may have a case. Reach out to an attorney today to learn more.

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