Bedsores are common among individuals with limited mobility, especially those who remain in the same position for an extended period of time. Ranging from simple, painful sores, to open infected wounds, bedsores are not only unsightly, but they can be deadly and debilitating as well. Since many elderly nursing home patients are unable to walk or move around, nursing home staff members should take the proper precautions to ensure patients do not develop bedsores.
Unfortunately, nursing homes do not always do this, and over time, bedsores can worsen and pose a serious health threat. Medically, bedsores go through stages, and the higher the stage, the greater the severity. If you or a loved one has questions about bedsore stages in Maryland nursing homes, the following information may be beneficial.
Stage One:
Stage one bedsores only impact the surface layer of the skin, and although they can cause a burning sensation and itching, they are the least serious type of bedsores. In addition to skin irritation, the area around the sore may feel cooler or warmer, depending on the biology of the patient. Often, the area will exhibit a dark appearance, which means the afflicted area is not receiving enough blood.
Stage one bedsores can be remedied by regularly changing positions at least once every two hours. Washing the sore with a mild soap and warm water can also prevent further infection and alleviate pain.
Stage Two:
Stage two sores impact the skin below the surface, and patients with stage two sores may notice broken skin, open wounds, or pus-filled blisters. These sores are more painful than stage one sores, but they can usually be treated by washing the impacted area with soap and warm water or a saline solution to prevent further infection. Once the wound dries, it should be wrapped with a gauze or see-through dressing. Stage two sores typically heal in three weeks or less.
Stage Three:
Stage three bedsores can be extremely serious, and they occur when the bedsore penetrates the fat tissue. These sores are deep and often have a bad odor – the dead tissue surrounding the sore may be black as well. Other signs of a stage three infection include redness around the sore, pus drainage, warm skin, and serious pain. Stage three bedsores must be treated by a physician or nurse practitioner.
To fight further infection, a physician may prescribe antibiotics and remove any dead skin. To prevent pain and inflammation, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium may be prescribed for these bedsore stages in Maryland nursing homes.
Stage Four:
When a bedsore reaches stage four, the muscles or ligaments may be affected. Stage four sores are often big and deep, and patients may be able to see their bones or muscles. Odor, pus drainage, severe pain, and dead skin are common signs of stage four sores, and if a patient notices such signs, they should contact a medical professional immediately. These sores can take months or years to heal, and a lengthy hospital stay may be required.
Learn More About Bedsore Stages in Maryland Nursing Homes
Bedsores can be painful and life-threatening if they are not treated properly, and nursing homes should do everything in their power to prevent bedsores. If a nursing home worker notices a patient developing a bedsore, they should take note and reach out to a medical professional at once. This will prevent further infection and suffering.
Unfortunately, many nursing homes fail to take basic precautions. Contact a lawyer or medical professional to learn more about bedsore stages in Maryland nursing homes.