Maryland Failure to Pay Minimum Wage Lawyer

Maryland Failure to Pay Minimum Wage Lawyer Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

As an employee in Maryland, you have the right to be paid fair wages for your work. If your employer fails to pay at least the state minimum wage that applies to you, you have the right to seek damages and penalties for this failure.

A Maryland failure to pay minimum wage lawyer could provide guidance and knowledge with respect to Maryland’s minimum wage laws, as well as the specific exemptions that apply at the state level and will advocate for your right to receive the wages to which you are legally entitled. Reach out to an experienced FLSA lawyer today and schedule your consultation.

Minimum Wage Laws

Effective July 1, 2018, Maryland increased the state-level minimum wage from $9.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour for most employees. The federal minimum wage, on the other hand, is only $7.25 per hour, meaning that Maryland employers must pay the higher state-level wage. Exceptions exist in Prince George’s County and Montgomery County, where the minimum wage is:

  • $11.50 in Prince George’s County,
  • $12.00 in Montgomery County for employers with 50 or fewer employees, and
  • $12.25 in Montgomery County for employers with 51 or more employees.

Employees who work for tips are subject to a $3.63 per hour minimum wage, assuming the employee makes more than $30 per month in tips. However, a Maryland failure to pay minimum wage lawyer could evaluate whether the employer is required to pay a higher wage because the employee must make at least the state minimum wage that otherwise applies per hour once tips are factored in.

Exemptions to the Minimum Wage Laws

Certain employees are actually exempt from the Maryland minimum wage laws. A failure to pay minimum wage lawyer in Maryland will evaluate all cases to determine whether a specific exemption applies to change the general minimum wage law. Some exemptions include:

  • Younger Employees. Generally, employees who are under 20 must only be paid 85 percent of the state-level minimum wage for their first six months of employment.
  • Amusement Park Employees. Amusement and recreational establishments must only pay the greater of (1) 85 percent of the state-level minimum wage or (2) $7.25 per hour.
  • Commission-Based Employees. Outside salespeople and other employees who work for commission are exempt from the Maryland minimum wage laws.
  • High-Level Employees. Employees who are considered to be executives, administrative employees or professionals, such as CPAs, lawyers and doctors, are exempt.

In order to determine whether an individual has a valid claim for failure to pay minimum wage, a lawyer must first determine whether an exemption applies to shield the employer from liability.

Compensation for Violating Minimum Wage Laws

If an employer fails to pay the required minimum wage, it may be held liable for both the shortfall of payments and damages. A seasoned lawyer who understands the potential courses of action for recovery can either:

  • File a complaint with the Maryland Department of Labor and attempt to resolve the matter informally
  • Bring a civil lawsuit against the employer

The employer can be held liable for monetary damages equal to three times the amount of unpaid wages, plus reasonable attorney fees.

Contact a Maryland Failure to Pay Minimum Wage Attorney Today

If your employer has failed to pay the applicable minimum wage, a Maryland failure to pay minimum wage lawyer could be a valuable tool in helping you understand your rights. An experienced lawyer can provide assistance in evaluating whether your employer failed to pay the minimum wage to which you are entitled, and how you can recover those wages through the legal system.

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