Suffering an injury or disease because of doing one’s job can be demoralizing and overwhelming. Not only do these people need to consider how they will obtain medical treatment, but they must also evaluate what they will do for future income.
Thankfully, state law requires almost every employer to provide workers’ compensation insurance to their workers. Unfortunately, obtaining these benefits can be difficult. Workers must fulfill their obligations under the law and understand their rights in order to collect the necessary payments. An Anne Arundel County workers’ compensation lawyer could help. Our personal injury attorneys can work to evaluate whether a claim qualifies for benefits and help injured employees collect the compensation that they deserve.
The Essential Elements of a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Every employee injury claim in Anne Arundel County must follow the state’s workers’ compensation laws. These laws state that a worker who suffers an accidental personal injury or occupational disease while on the job is entitled to benefits. According to Maryland Code, Labor and Employment §9-101, these conditions must arise out of the course of a worker’s employment.
In other words, a major part of a claim is proving a connection between a medical condition and doing one’s job. These conditions can include physical injuries like broken bones, emotional traumas like PTSD, or diseases, such as cancer, that carry a connection to one’s employment.
To get paid for missing time, the work injuries obviously must be serious enough to keep a person out of work. Many claims face resistance when an insurance company disagrees as to the extent of a worker’s injury if they do not seek proper medical attention. An Anne Arundel County workers’ compensation attorney could explain the legal aspect of a claim further and the requirements an employee needs to prove to receive benefits.
However, even if the injured worker does not miss time from his job due to the injury, he would still be entitled to necessary medical care and benefits for any permanent disability caused by the work injury.
An Attorney May be Able to Help Promote a Case
Unfortunately, many employees who attempt to collect workers’ compensation benefits meet resistance. This often takes the form of a denial. Many employees can avoid this outcome by understanding many of the common mistakes that are made in workers’ compensation claims.
All workers retain the right to have a hearing before the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. These hearings are an opportunity to present evidence to an impartial hearing officer who may award benefits that an insurance company has been denying. An Anne Arundel County workers’ compensation representative can help to present cases at these hearings.
It may also be possible to appeal a denial following a hearing. Workers have the option to request reconsideration of an Order from the Workers’ Compensation Commission or may appeal the loss to the circuit court. Local legal counsel can help determine if a denial of benefits may find relief during these sessions.
Obtaining proper benefits after a workplace injury or onset of disease is the right of every employee. However, insurance companies or employers fight to protect their profits and deny worker’s claims. These denials can also be the result of an employee not providing proper notice, not having sufficient medical evidence or doubts as to whether the injury occurred while on the job.
Let an Anne Arundel County Workers’ Compensation Attorney Help to Bring the Necessary Benefits
In every case, a worker has the right to request a hearing at the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. These hearings give employees a chance to present evidence and make legal arguments as to why they deserve benefits. An Anne Arundel County workers’ compensation lawyer could represent you at these hearings. They could also provide advice as to some of the common mistakes to avoid, preventing a denial in the first place. Contact a dedicated attorney today to schedule an appointment.