An auto accident can be both damaging and traumatizing to the individual affected. In the crucial period of time right after an accident, it is important that both parties assess the situation accordingly. This can be both difficult and extremely frustrating when one party flees the scene. In these situations, it is important to immediately contact a Bethesda hit and run lawyer to determine how to best proceed with your case. The right car accident lawyer will help you in identifying the individual who fled, and award you any and all damages you justly deserve.

Defining a Hit and Run

A hit and run in Bethesda means that a car that has been involved in an accident does not remain at the scene following the accident. This person does not own up to their obligations and the requirement to stay on the scene following the accident. Rather, they depart the scene and do not check on the condition of any other party involved, nor exchange any information. If the police have been called, leaving prior to the police arriving on the scene is a violation of the motor vehicle laws, and is chargeable by the police. This is because the law requires that people involved in an accident must remain on the scene, provide any care or attention to anyone requiring it, and exchange proper information with any other party involved in the accident. By not doing so, these individuals violate the motor vehicle laws. To properly understand the laws of hit and run accidents to the fullest extent, it is crucial to utilize the assistance of a hit and run lawyer in Bethesda.

This may occur when people realize that they are at fault in the accident, so they flee the scene in an attempt not to be caught and held responsible. Sometimes, there has been criminal activity by the driver before they have gotten into the vehicle to drive, and accidents occur because they are fleeing some other event of a criminal nature. Perhaps these individuals are being chased by the police. Any time a party that has been involved in an accident does not stay on the scene, they can be held responsible for violating the motor vehicle laws based upon the statutes that require someone involved in an accident to stay on the scene and exchange proper information.

Collecting Information

It is important to be alert enough to try to obtain a description of the vehicle, a description of the driver, and most importantly, a tag number of that vehicle so that the police can investigate, follow up and try to identify the fleeing party. In this day and age, many times there are traffic cameras, but action needs to be taken fairly swiftly because those traffic cameras do not save the footage for very long. If acted upon in a timely manner, and properly sought by a Bethesda hit and run attorney, traffic cameras can be a help in identifying a fleeing vehicle.

Identifying the Fleeing Driver

If a Bethesda hit and run lawyer gets involved, one of the first things that they are going to determine is whether any witnesses on the scene can help identify the description of the car, the driver, a tag number and the identity of that fleeing vehicle and driver. The attorney is also going to investigate whether there was a traffic camera available. Sometimes, there are other cameras of nearby businesses that may capture an accident scene. The attorney is going to assist in doing a proper investigation to try to find the identity of the driver and the fleeing vehicle.

In addition to what the police are able to do, provided they’ve been called to the scene, is to have the police go to the scene so that they can gather all the information possible shortly after the accident. This is done in order to interview witnesses and the parties, and put out any bulletins immediately to try to locate the vehicle that was involved in the accident.

Recoverable Damages

The damages recoverable in a hit and run case, if the other driver is identified and seeking damages from that person, would be the same had they remained on the scene and identified on the scene. However, if they are not identified, it invokes an uninsured motor vehicle, which in this instance is a fleeing vehicle. This would qualify as an uninsured motor vehicle because it cannot be identified. Uninsured motorist coverage under the injured party’s own insurance policy would come into effect to cover the damages that would be sought. No matter the situation, the damages are the same. It is a matter of the recovery of the damages and the source from which the damages can be recovered, depending upon whether the at-fault party has been identified. A Bethesda hit and run lawyer can aid in determining the best course of action based on the circumstances of your particular case.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages in Maryland are extremely difficult to recover in an automobile accident because of the standard which is tantamount to wanton and intentional conduct. It is very difficult to attempt, and not likely, to recover punitive damages in a normal negligent type auto claim.

Benefits of an Attorney

If you have been involved in an accident of a hit and run nature which has left you injured, it is more important than ever to act quickly to get a Bethesda hit and run attorney involved who can investigate the circumstances of the accident, interface with the police, and follow any police investigation. There will be an extra investigation that has to take place, and an extra step in the case in terms of making sure that if the fleeing driver, who was ultimately caught, is still denying being involved in an accident.

That case has to go to Traffic Court, because that person will be charged with hit and run. There will be the court case that proceeds as a result of that person fleeing the scene. That traffic case would have to be followed, and the outcome would be somewhat important because if it goes to court, statements will be made in that case which can perhaps be utilized in the accident trial as it progresses. An attorney can help monitor this progression, and adjust the strategy of your case accordingly.

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