Bicycles are a fun and practical way of getting from place to place. They can also be a great source of exercise. However, riding bikes can also be dangerous. If you have been injured while riding your bicycle, speak with an Anne Arundel bicycle accident lawyer. A capable personal injury attorney could devote the time and resources necessary to achieve a positive outcome for you.
Traffic Laws
Traffic laws do not differ from county to county. In Maryland, traffic law is controlled by the state law. All bicycles must follow the rules of the road in Maryland and in Anne Arundel County, meaning they are treated just like cars.
The bicyclist has to follow the rules of the road just like a motorist if they are on the roadways. For instance, they have to stop at traffic lights, they have to signal when they turn, and they have to stop at stop signs.
A difference between bicycles and motorcycles is that bicycles can be ridden on sidewalks and motorcycles cannot. Both have to follow the rules of the road. When they are on the roadways, both have to wear helmets.
Potential Consequences Associated with Bicycle Accidents
Oftentimes, insurance coverage may not be the same as when an individual is injured on a bicycle versus when injured on a motorcycle. Cyclists, if they are struck by a vehicle, can get personal injury protection for their injuries from the striking vehicle. Motorcyclists cannot.
Most insurance coverages do not allow for personal injury protection for motorcycle riders, meaning getting their medical expenses covered up to a point through their own insurance policy. Those are some of the consequences. One of the different consequences is the insurance coverages may be different.
What Makes Bicycles Dangerous?
Bicycles are tough to see which makes them dangerous. If an individual in a motor vehicle is driving on the roadway and a cyclist is coming alongside of them on the right or left, they are very difficult to see. That makes them potentially dangerous for the cyclist because motorists are not going to see them.
Insurance Requirements for Cyclists
Cyclists do not have to have insurance. If they have a car and a bicycle, their motor vehicle insurance could possibly cover some of their injuries.
If they do not have a car, they are not going to have any insurance coverage under their own policy. If the motor vehicle is responsible for the accident, there will be coverage from their motor vehicle for bodily injury as well as personal injury protection. An Anne Arundel bicycle accident lawyer could answer questions an individual may have about insurance and could speak to insurance companies on an individual’s behalf.
Common Injuries in Bike Accidents
Some common injuries are broken bones, head injuries, concussions, and broken limbs. They are very similar to motorcycle accidents in terms of the injuries an individual can sustain, which can be anything from just soft-tissue injuries from being knocked off the bike to very serious injuries and/or death.
The Benefit of an Anne Arundel Bike Accident Lawyer
A lot of cyclists do not know that their own car insurance might cover their injuries until they find out what the bodily injury coverage is for the negligent driver. An Anne Arundel bicycle accident lawyer could help an individual with insurance issues and with conducting an investigation of the scene by talking to the witnesses and finding out who is responsible for the accident. They could also talk to the insurance company for them while the injured person focuses on getting well. The only real difference between bicycle and motorcycle accident accidents is the process of recovering insurance. If an individual wants to know more about the insurance process, they should speak with a capable bike crash lawyer that could help.