At the start of the case, the attorney should decide what the case should look like when it is presented to the jury. They need to determine the simplest explanation of events, even when it is a complicated or complex issue. A seasoned civil litigation lawyer must be able to explain their case to people with no legal background. While it is clear their mind what they are talking about, someone with no legal experience might not understand a word they are saying.
The attorney needs to determine at the outset, how the case is going to be presented and how they are going to get from the beginning to the end of the case. It requires spending the time upfront to develop what the case should look like and getting the plaintiff to understand why that is a reasonable presentation for what the evidence will establish.
Read below to learn more about preparing for Maryland civil litigation trials.
Expert Testimony
The best expert testimony is used to explain complicated issues in a simple fashion. It is a way of taking the complexities out of the case and putting it in the hands of someone who is seen as having more influence on the jury or judge. It eliminates arguments that a lay witness who is not an expert is making things up or does not know what they are talking about. It is a helpful tool to make sure that complicated issues are presented in a way that gives them credibility and helps simplify the case.
Scientific Testing
Scientific testing cannot always be used in preparing for Maryland civil litigation trials. When it is used, a person must verify that the methodology used is accepted and reliable. Once they establish the reliability of the scientific methodology, they must explain it to the court and to the judge. It is all about strengthening their argument and using the expert in a way that bolsters what the jury already knows to be true. Scientific evidence can help explain the “hows” and “whys” of certain events.
What is Demonstrative Evidence?
Demonstrative evidence is evidence other than testimony that is used to indicate how events occurred. It includes physical evidence and illustrative evidence such as photographs, computer renditions of events, blueprints, or drawings. It may be anything that establishes the time, place, location, and the environment of the event being discussed. It is a way of explaining what is being disputed in the litigation.
Proof of Damages
A person must prove with reasonable certainty that there was damage as a result of the acts alleged. Proof might be given by an expert witness who can testify to the losses someone endured. The lawyer may show losses that are related to the increased expenses that one had as a result of what the other side did. They can demonstrate damages through medical records, bank statements, and lost wages. When things lose their value, the lawyer could get an appraisal to confirm the diminished value.
How an Attorney Could Help Someone Prepare for Trial
An accomplished lawyer could help with preparing for Maryland civil litigation trials. Preparation is ongoing and should be discussed the entire time. There are opportunities to get a sense of what the trial is going to be like during the case. For example, when there is a deposition of a witness, the witness may be exposed to what the examination is going to be like at trial. The claimant should understand the strengths and weaknesses of their case and how certain testimony should be presented in a way that does not harm their case. It is an ongoing process that starts at the beginning and lasts through trial.
Call today for more information about how an attorney could help you with your case.