Any intentional act that causes harm to an individual would constitute physical abuse in DC nursing homes. The more mentally incapacitated an individual is, the more susceptible they are to physical abuse. People that have their faculties about them are less likely to face this abuse because they are able to take steps to prevent it. If you or a loved one may have been subject to this type of treatment, speak to a Washington DC nursing home physical abuse lawyer right away.
Common Examples of Physical Abuse in Nursing Homes
Physical abuse includes things like hitting or kicking as well force-feeding, overuse of restraints, forced medication, withholding food or drink or anything else that causes physical injury or discomfort. Emotional harm and abuse often accompany any form of physical or sexual mistreatment.
Anytime that nursing home abuse or neglect causes harm, an experienced lawyer can help a patient, and/or their family understand their legal rights and can advise about actions that may be available to address and remedy any resulting harm.
Warning Signs of Physical Abuse
The most common warning signs to notice are physical. Someone could have bruises, or appear scared or uncomfortable at the nursing home. Bruises or marks are the most obvious sign. A noticeable change in mental status is the next thing to look for.
These situations can be similar to child abuse in a way because people are placed in a nursing home because they are no longer able to take care of themselves. This is why it is important to look for subtle signs of abuse in addition to obvious ones.
How an Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Can Help
Government agencies oversee nursing homes and federal and state laws provide some protections for vulnerable and elderly adults, but too often these alone are not sufficient.
Anyone concerned about abuse of themselves or a loved one should consider getting the help of experienced legal counsel to help end and remedy nursing home abuse as soon as possible. A skilled elder abuse lawyer will be familiar with the intricacies of nursing home cases, including the medical, financial, and legal issues that affect the elderly and their families.
When considering a possible abuse situation, a qualified lawyer can investigate the particular facts of the case, including looking into past abuse cases involving the facility or medical personnel in question, and advise about options for remedying abuse. Nursing home abuse lawyers can also bring in expert consultants and witnesses such as doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists to help assess the quality of care provided and the types of harm suffered. Armed with a thorough investigation, a lawyer can assess the strength of a cases and advise their client about actions they can take to seek compensation or other remedies for nursing home physical abuse.
An experienced nursing home abuse lawyer can advise about different options for pursuing a case. When there is strong evidence of nursing home physical abuse, a lawyer may be able to help negotiate a satisfactory out of court settlement. In other instances, a strategic advocate may advise proceeding with litigation to advance a client’s position. Regardless, getting competent and experienced guidance as soon as possible can be important to being able to present a strong and persuasive case and seeking appropriate remedies for abuse.
How to Handle Nursing Home Abuse Cases
The steps available to be taken in light of physical abuse in DC nursing homes depends on the nature of the abuse. If someone believes intentional acts have taken place, then they need to report it to the police. If intentional acts are not involved, the first thing one would want to do is take pictures and they also should bring the situation to the attention of the nursing home administrator. If these actions do not solve the problem, then it would be time to take legal action.