Arlington Personal Injury Attorney
If you have sustained a personal injury that you believe was caused by someone else’s negligence or reckless behavior, call an Arlington Personal injury lawyer to learn about your options for filing an injury claim. Suffering an unexpected injury can cause serious disruption in one’s daily life and that of his or her family as well. Serious injuries requiring hospitalization, long-term care or rehabilitation, or physical therapy can result in lost pay from missed work days. Additionally, if a person suffers permanent physical or mental disability, he or she may be unable to return to work indefinitely. This loss of financial support, when coupled with mounting medical bills can lead to overwhelming stress which can develop into depression or despair. The emotional trauma can seriously hinder one’s outlook and ability to heal physically.
When you suffer an injury that is the result of the actions of another person or entity, you are entitled to financial recompense. An Arlington personal injury lawyer can help you receive a monetary award for your suffering. While no cash award can ease your physical pain, financial compensation can help you deal with the associated financial strains to allow you to place your focus on healing and recovery.
Personal Injury Accidents
There are numerous means by which unintentional injuries occur. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some of the most common accidents requiring emergency medical care are:
- Slips and falls
- Struck by/against
- Overexertion/virginia-injury/arlington-slip-and-fall-lawyer
- Motor vehicle accident
- Cut/pierce
- Assault
- Bite/Sting
- Accidental Poisoning
- Choking/suffocation
- Cycling accident
- Car accident
- And much more
Often, one suffers one of these serious injury types because of another person’s recklessness, carelessness, negligence, or malice. When that is the case, it is only just for the responsible party to be held culpable for his or her role in the suffering he or she has caused. Financial responsibility for the medical costs, property damage, and associated expenses should be placed upon the one whose mistakes resulted in injury to another. A personal injury attorney’s diligence and skill in pursuing compensation is the key to ensuring such justice and holding the guilty party liable for his or her actions.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
According to research compilation by the CDC, automobile accidents are responsible for the most unintentional injury deaths over all other accident types. In 2012, Arlington County was the Virginia county with the 6th highest number of overall injuries from motor vehicle accidents. That year, there were more than 2,650 accidents accounting for more than 1,250 reported injuries. Four of those accidents resulted in death within 30 days of the crash, classifying them as fatal accidents.
If you or a loved was injured in a traffic crash caused by another’s driver error, such as impaired driving, reckless driving, or distracted driving, you can find restitution through the devoted legal representation provided by an Arlington personal injury lawyer.
Workplace Accidents
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the agency responsible for monitoring and enforcing safety procedures in the workforce, reveals statistics which indicate more than 10 percent of workers were involved in some form of workplace accident in 2010.
In 2011, in the Arlington-Alexandria-Washington area, out of 62 fatal workplace injuries, nearly 30 percent were in the field of construction. Almost one-fourth of the area’s fatal occupational accidents were in trade, transportation, and utilities. Males are much more likely to die from a work-sustained injury than females, and in 2011, fatal injuries occurred in men aged 35 to 44 nearly twice as often as the second and third place age groups for work-related fatalities.
Preventable injuries in the workplace occur far too often, and when the accident occurs because of poor maintenance, lack of compliance with safety standards and procedures, negligence, or recklessness, those responsible for facilitating an unsafe work environment need to be held accountable. By holding liable the individual, party, or entity that caused the accident, a clear message is sent that safety of employees must be a priority. The diligent pursuit of justice helps to serve as a reminder to all that carelessness and negligence in the workplace will not be tolerated.
Personal Injury Representation in Arlington
Our firm has a diverse group of professionals dedicated to pursuing the rights of those who have suffered injury due to another’s fault. Our skillfully trained Arlington personal injury attorneys has successfully represented a number of clients in a variety of personal injury cases:
- Premises liability
- Products liability
- Dangerous Drugs
- Medical malpractice
- Auto accidents
- Nursing home abuse
- Wrongful death
- Assault
If you or a loved one is suffering from the physical, emotional, and financial burdens of an unintentional injury caused by another party, contact an Arlington personal injury lawyer to fight for you in obtaining justice and the financial restitution you are owed. Call today to schedule a free consultation.