DC Nursing Home Medication Errors Lawyer
Nursing homes in Washington DC have an obligation to provide preventative care to their residents. This often includes the administration of daily medications as well as medicine needed in an emergency. Because the administration of medication is performed by skilled nurses, this process must adhere to the standard of medical care.
A failure to properly administer medications could result in severe injuries. Not providing medication on time, giving an improper dose, or even mixing up patient medications could harshly affect a resident’s health. These incidents may be examples of medical malpractice.
A DC nursing home medication errors lawyer could help patients and their families following injuries caused by medication errors. Seasoned nursing home abuse attorneys work to investigate the facts the led to the injury, to ensure that you understand the relevant laws, and to identify experts who could be able to help pursue the case in court.
Providing Medications in Nursing Homes in a Competent Way
Most residents in nursing homes require constant and competent medical care. In many cases, this involves the proper provision, application, and administration of medication. Many chronic conditions both mental and physical are treated with prescription medications that licensed nursed are qualified to administer.
The proper use of medication is key to providing competent medical care. In fact, this obligation to provide competent care is central to the standard of care expected of all nursing homes. This standard of care states that all medical providers, nursing homes included, have an obligation to provide the same level of care as all other providers given the circumstances.
In Washington DC, this standard of care is applied to medical professionals on a national scale. If a nursing home anywhere in the country would have provided proper care, a nursing home in Washington DC must do the same.
Ways that Nurses may Improperly Administer Medication
Any prescription medication carries a potential risk. The decision to use this medication only comes after a risk analysis between a patient and doctor. Even when properly used, medication can cause harsh side effects. Still, if a nurse properly administers medication, the chances of an adverse effect should be low.
However, errors could occur at any stage of the process. For example, a doctor’s note could be unclear as to the exact medication needed or its dosage. In addition, a doctor or nurse could forget to properly check a new drug against current drug regimens for interactions. Finally, an error could result from the improper administration of a drug. Especially if a nurse must administer a drug intravenously, an error in applying medication could cause severe injuries.
Regardless of how the error occurs, an injured resident has only a limited time to file a claim. DC Code §12-301 states that any medical malpractice claims, including those involving medication errors, must be in court no more than three years from the date of injury. A nursing home medication errors lawyer in Washington DC could help file a claim.
How a DC Nursing Home Medication Errors Attorney Could Help
The improper administration of medication or other medication errors are a leading cause of injuries for residents in Washington DC nursing homes. As skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes and assisted living facilities have an obligation to provide care that meets Washington DC’s standard of medical care.
Not properly checking dosages, failing to check for drug interactions, and even simply forgetting to provide medication could all be examples of medical malpractice.
A Washington DC nursing home medication errors lawyer may be able to help. They can work with experts in the field to examine the competency of nursing care and to pursue lawsuits when that care falls below the acceptable standard under Washington DC law. Contact an attorney today to learn more about your rights.