Cauda Equina Syndrome Malpractice Lawyer

Cauda Equina Syndrome Malpractice Lawyer Contact Us Today
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When medical emergencies occur, most Americans have little choice but to place a great deal of trust in the training, knowledge and competence of the medical professionals to whom they turn for treatment. Fortunately, in most cases, diagnostic and treatment responses in such scenarios are prompt, effective and often able to halt the development of serious complications.

For patients afflicted by the onset of a rare, yet potentially debilitating spinal condition known as cauda equina syndrome (CES), timely diagnosis and commencement of treatment is critical to preventing permanent harm.

Unfortunately, too many individuals with clinical presentations indicative of CES do not receive either from attending medical professionals and suffer lasting injury as a result. When this happens, filing a CES malpractice lawsuit with a cauda equina syndrome lawyer may be a patient’s best hope of securing the financial compensation they deserve. To learn more call and schedule a consultation with a medical malpractice attorney.

Important Facts About Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES)

The condition referred to as cauda equina syndrome is one which develops due to compression or trauma to a specific grouping of nerves called the “cauda equina” that sits at the lower portion of the spinal cord. When these nerves are allowed to remain in this compressed state, serious impairment of their function can occur, particularly with regard to the lower half of the body.

Severe pain, disruption of bowel and bladder function and other serious issues may take hold. Patients may even experience paralysis that is permanent in nature.

Causes and Symptoms of CES

Though cauda equina syndrome tends to be the product of a spinal rupture or a profoundly herniated disc, there are several other ways in which the condition can take root, including:

  • Traumatic injury to the back
  • Tumors on the spine
  • Spinal stenosis of the lumbar region
  • Surgical complications
  • Complications arising from spinal block or epidural anesthesia

Symptoms of CES may appear suddenly or may manifest themselves over time. Commonly, patients facing this condition experience:

  • Impaired or lost bladder or bowel control and/or function
  • Extreme pain in buttocks, back, feet or legs
  • Marked weakness or loss of feeling in lower extremities, back or buttocks

The appearance of any or all of these symptoms necessitates prompt medical attention, and a failure to receive it can produce devastating outcomes warranting contact with a cauda equina syndrome attorney. Timely and targeted treatment of CES is often extremely effective, but that can only happen if the condition is identified quickly by emergency room staff or other physicians.

How Cauda Equina Syndrome Malpractice Can Happen

The emergency room is an invariably hectic, harried place to be, and short-staffing often compounds the obstacles faced by nurses, doctors and others.

However, when treating professionals fail to meet the prevailing standard of care by neglecting the possibility of CES in a patient showing signs of neurological impairment or compression of the spinal cord, actionable malpractice can occur. Negligent acts or omissions which may be characteristic of cauda equina malpractice include:

  • Failure to order appropriate imaging studies
  • Misreading test results
  • Failure to take thorough history from patient
  • Failure to ask key questions related to numbness, bladder function, or other lower extremity issues
  • Failure to initiate prompt surgical intervention where indicated

Consequences of Misdiagnosis and Cauda Equina Syndrome Malpractice

As stated earlier, when quickly diagnosed and addressed, cauda equina syndrome is highly treatable and the most serious potential side effects of the condition can be avoided. However, when diagnosis and surgical procedures are unreasonably delayed, permanent harm can and often does result.

Incontinence, impotence and paralysis are among the most catastrophic outcomes from cauda equina syndrome malpractice, and it is important for victims to know that help from cauda equina syndrome lawyer is available.

Asserting the Rights of CES Malpractice Victims

Those who have been permanently injured by cauda equina syndrome malpractice may be entitled to receive payment for things such as long term care and treatment, lost wages, reduction in earning capacity, emotional trauma, physical pain and more. To learn more about how a Cauda Equina Syndrome attorney with our firm can help you pursue your rights, contact us today.

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