Unsanitary Living Conditions in Virginia Nursing Homes

Nursing homes, like other healthcare facilities, should prioritize cleanliness and sanitation. Since these facilities often house numerous ill and infirm patients, they should take the proper precautions to ensure patients have a sanitary environment to recuperate in. This is the law, and nursing homes who knowingly house patients in unclean facilities can face fines, loss of funds, and even closure.

Sadly, some nursing homes simply refuse or fail to keep their facilities clean. Some are too concerned with money to hire an adequate number of cleaning professionals, while others simply do not care about the well-being of their patients. Whatever the reason, these nursing homes are willing to jeopardize the health of their patients by keeping them in environments conducive to the spread of diseases.

If your loved one is currently in a nursing home, keep reading to learn how to spot unsanitary living conditions in Virginia nursing homes.

Unsanitary Nursing Homes and the Spread of Infection

The overwhelming majority of nursing home patients need help to maintain their personal hygiene. This is to be expected, and nursing homes often hire certified nursing assistants (CNAs) to help bathe, clothe, feed, and cleanup after patients. Janitors are typically responsible for ensuring the nursing home environment in sanitary and slightly.

Since nursing homes function also function as medical facilities, extra care should be taken to control infections and the spread of viruses and bacteria. Unclean surfaces can harbor bacterial and viral infections such as MRSA, necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria), pneumonia, and clostridium difficile (C. diff). To make matters worse, many of the previously mentioned infections have become resistant to antibiotics over the years. Despite the fact that these infections are serious, most of them can be controlled by maintaining a sanitary environment.

Fortunately for the loved ones of nursing home patients, unsanitary nursing facilities and their patients tend to exhibit certain signs. If a person notices any of the following, their loved one may be residing in an unclean facility:

  • Patients exhibit poor personal hygiene (ex: dirty nails, skin, and hair).
  • Frequent outbreaks of infections and communicable diseases.
  • Patients suffer from bed sores and skin rashes.
  • Poorly cleaned or organized living, sleeping, or eating areas.
  • Smells of urine, feces, or other bodily fluids.

Patients residing in such facilities may not know how unsanitary their living conditions have become. If a friend or family member notices any of the signs listed above during a visit, they should contact an attorney with a history of handling cases related to unsanitary living conditions in Virginia nursing homes.

A Common Sign of Neglect

Nursing homes, like hospitals and other medical facilities, are held to a higher standard in regards to safety and sanitation. Patients have a right to reside in a clean facility, and if their rights are not honored, they can take legal action or file a report with the state. If a patient sustains an illness or injury resulting from unsanitary living conditions, they may even be able to file a claim for financial compensation.

Poor sanitation is often a sign of neglect, and if a facility cannot maintain a clean environment, they probably cannot maintain a high standard of patient care.

Discuss Unsanitary Living Conditions in Virginia Nursing Homes With an Attorney

If you believe the nursing home your loved one is currently residing in is unsanitary, you may have a variety of legal options at your disposal. A Virginia nursing home attorney may be able to help you file a report and obtain compensation if the living conditions have contributed to your loved one developing an illness.

Fortunately, it is possible to fight back against negligent nursing facilities. Get in touch with an attorney to discuss unsanitary living conditions in Virginia nursing homes.

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