Virginia Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer
In general, patients residing in assisted living facilities require less care than those residing in nursing homes. Unlike nursing home patients, assisted living patients are often capable of feeding, bathing, and clothing themselves, and most do not require extensive, around-the-clock medical care.
However, assisted living patients are often older individuals who may be emotionally and physically vulnerable. This makes them prime targets for dishonest, negligent, and abusive employees who may attempt to abuse them in a wide variety of ways.
If you believe your loved one is suffering abuse in an assisted living facility or you are currently an abused resident of such a facility, a Virginia assisted living abuse lawyer may be able to help you.
Common Types of Assisted Living Abuse
As previously mentioned, abuse of assisted living residents comes in a variety of forms. Physical abuse is common, but some residents may be subjected to emotional, sexual, or financial abuse by workers, and in some cases, even their own family members. Abuse may take the following forms:
- Physical abuse – Causing physical harm to patients in any manner is considered physical abuse. This type of abuse may also include denying food and water to residents or improperly restraining them.
- Emotional/psychological abuse – Bullying, harassing, degrading, or purposely isolating assisted living residents are the most common forms of emotional and psychological abuse.
- Neglect – Neglect occurs when a facility does not meet the basic needs of its residents. The facility may be understaffed, dirty, or overcrowded.
- Sexual abuse – Any unwanted sexual advances or non-consensual sexual encounters are classified as abusive.
- Financial exploitation – Taking advantage of a resident financially is considered abuse. Financial exploitation may include stealing the personal belongings of a resident or using their funds without permission.
Abuse in assisted living facilities can be hard to spot, but it is often preventable. Assisted living facilities can prevent abuse by hiring trained employees, ensuring facilities are well-maintained, and communicating regularly with residents and their loved ones.
Holding Negligent Assisted Living Facilities Accountable
Many assisted living residents are afraid to report abuse to facility managers and their loved ones. They are often embarrassed and afraid to file a report out of fear of retribution or further abuse. Some of the most common signs of physical abuse include bedsores, malnutrition, sudden decline of mental capacity, depression, and unexplained bruises or cuts.
Assisted living facilities may unknowingly create an atmosphere in which abusive and neglectful employees thrive. These facilities tend to be short-staffed and poorly managed, and there is usually little oversight on behalf of facility administrators.
This is unacceptable, and assisted living administrators have a moral and legal obligation to ensure their residents are safe and cared for. They should take the time to hire and screen all potential employees and ensure their facility adheres to all state and federal laws and regulations.
Employees should be disciplined, and if necessary, terminated for certain offenses, and facilities should be kept neat and clean and all times. If a facility cannot take these basic measures, they should be held accountable by a Virginia assisted living abuse lawyer.
Let a Virginia Assisted Living Abuse Attorney Assist You
Most assisted living facilities are safe and resident-oriented, but unfortunately, some are not. Many of these facilities place profits over people, and in their attempts to maximize profits and cut costs, they endanger the safety of their residents.
If you were abused while in an assisted living facility, you may be entitled to compensation for your suffering and emotional turmoil. Contact a Virginia assisted living abuse lawyer today to learn more.