Virginia Nursing Home Broken Bones Lawyer

Elderly individuals are far more likely to sustain broken and fractured bones than younger, healthier individuals. Medical conditions such as osteoporosis, dementia, Parkinson’s, and anemia make patients more susceptible to broken bones.

Elderly patients in nursing homes also tend to have weakened muscles, low levels of body fat, and frail bones, and a simple fall can easily turn into a life-threatening situation.

Nursing homes should keep the previously mentioned facts in mind when caring for patients, and do everything possible to reduce the risk of broken bones. Staff members can also break bones by mishandling patients. If patients suffer broken bones at the hands of staff members, the responsible staff members and the nursing home should be held liable.

If you or a loved one has suffered a broken bone in a nursing facility, you may want to consult a Virginia nursing home broken bones lawyer.

The Physical Impact of Bone Fractures

The severity of a broken bone depends on the location of the break. For most patients, fractures can be enormously painful and even debilitating. Unfortunately, elderly individuals are more prone to medical complications, and often, bone fractures can take months to heal.

Fractures that damage blood vessels or nerves can take longer to heal, and in a few cases, an infection can occur in the area surrounding the damaged skin.

The signs of a broken or fractured bone are relatively easy to recognize, but often, patients assume they are only suffering from a sprain. If a person notices the following symptoms in a patient, the patient may be suffering from a broken bone:

  • Deformity of an arm or leg
  • Serious swelling or bruising
  • Inability to bear weight on the impacted leg, ankle, foot, or arm
  • Bone protruding from skin
  • Severe pain in the injured area

The pain near the broken bone usually becomes more intense when the patient attempts to move or apply pressure. If the break fractures the skin, the bone may also be visible.

Common Causes of Broken Bones

Nursing home staff members and administrators can take several measures to ensure patients do not sustain fractures. Falls are the primary cause of broken bones in nursing homes and by keeping floors clear of obstructions, staff members can prevent unnecessary falls. Wet floors and spills should also be sectioned off until they are dry and clean. Mobility-impaired patients should be helped in the shower and up and down stairs.

Rushed staff members can also accidentally cause bone fractures by mishandling patients. Nursing home administrators should make sure staff members know how to properly handle and move frail patients. Patients should also be supervised to ensure they do not fall on their own.

Compensation for Patient Injuries

If a person does sustain a broken bone in a nursing home, they may be entitled to compensation if the break occurred under certain circumstances or conditions. Depending on the case, a patient may be entitled to compensation for their pain, emotional suffering, and medical expenses.

A court may also decide to award punitive damages if a patient is harmed by the negligence of a nursing home staff member or administrator. Patients considering legal actions may need the help of a Virginia nursing home broken bones lawyer.

Reach Out to a Virginia Nursing Home Broken Bones Attorney Today

Broken bones are inevitable for many patients, but when they occur in supervised medical facilities, they are often the result of abuse or negligence. Nursing homes should understand their patients are in a frail state and take steps to reduce the incidence of breaks and sprains among patients.

If you have sustained a break in a nursing home, you may be entitled to compensation for your ordeal. Reach out to a Virginia nursing home broken bones lawyer for additional information.

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