Virginia Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer 

Neglect in a nursing home is the failure to act and the failure to take the proper steps to make sure that injuries do not occur. A patient is not subject to unreasonable conditions and they are protected according to the agreement they made with the nursing home. If you or a loved one is experiencing nursing home neglect, call a qualified attorney today. A Virginia nursing home neglect lawyer can help you and your loved one to pursue rightful compensation.

Examples of Neglect

Common examples of neglect in a nursing home are failure to provide proper hygiene, failure to provide appropriate protection, failure to protect someone from a known danger, and the failure to provide what was promised when the nursing home accepted the person as a patient.

There are scenarios that can lead to neglect including inadequate training, inadequate supervision, and poor staff-to-resident ratio. That means the staff simply cannot perform the work they are expected to perform. They are being asked to do too much.

Injuries Resulting from Neglect

There are different things that can occur when someone is subject to neglect. The signs of neglect include malnutrition, dehydration, lack of hygiene care, and unchanged linens or clothing. Physical manifestations of neglect are bedsores, bed injuries, falls, fractures, and broken bones. Common examples are bed sores, dehydration, lack of cleanliness, and health issues. Talk to a Virginia nursing home neglect lawyer for more information.

Vulnerability to Neglect

Patients who are vulnerable to the consequences of neglect are older patients and patients who cannot communicate well. Neglect issues often involve people who cannot communicate well, have physical limitations, and have limited regular communication with the outside world.

When someone is being neglected, the first thing a person should do is contact the police and then contact an experienced nursing home neglect injury attorney right away to identify civil and criminal legal options.

Bed Sores

A bed sore is a pressure sore that is commonly seen when someone is in a bed for too long a period of time. It is called a bed sore because it is caused by prolonged pressure on the skin. A patient who is unable to turn over or move around is susceptible to pressure sores. They are common in nursing home neglect cases. Bed sores can ooze and are difficult to heal because they are not given proper circulation and proper exposure.

There are different levels and degrees of bed sores and pressure sores. They include the facts of the case, the facts of the sore, the immune response of the patient, plus the additional factors in bed sores. These populations may not have a strong immune system and the body may not be able to heal itself in the same way a younger person would. As a result, an older person can suffer increased injuries when an ordinary person would not.

Bed sores are readily preventable so when they occur, that is big red flag. If they are noticeable and uncomfortable, a person would almost assuredly notice them and complain about them. The nursing home is liable for bedsores.

Injuries Caused by Bed Sores

Bed sores can lead to lesions and ulcers on the skin and serious wasting issues. The big concern with bed sores is that the open wound can lead to infection. An infection in an older person can be a serious, even deadly complication. When someone has an open wound and chronic pain as a result of a bed sore, they can experience emotional harm.

Bed sores are treated with antibiotics as well as regular changing of dressings and movement. They are often complicated by a person’s inability to be mobile. Proper care and proper movement can prevent bed sores. Keeping someone active and moving can prevent the bed sores from forming in the first place.

Contacting a Virginia Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

A Virginia nursing home neglect lawyer is a great resource to turn towards if you or a loved one is dealing with neglect at a nursing home. They can provide reassurance, legal guidance, and answer any questions you may have. Call an attorney today.

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Virginia Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer