Virginia Nursing Home Fire Injuries Lawyer

Nursing homes have a responsibility to take basic measures to protect their patients from harm. This involves taking fire safety and prevention safety and ensuring any objects that present a fire hazard are not allowed on the premises. They should also hold regular drills and ensure patients and staff members know what to do in the event of a fire.

Unfortunately, some facilities do not take fire safety seriously enough. This is a tragedy, especially when patients sustain burns or smoke inhalation injuries. To make matters worse, many of these injuries are preventable.

If you were harmed in a nursing home fire, a Virginia nursing home fire injuries lawyer may be able to help you better understand your legal options. Call today and schedule a consultation with a compassionate nursing home abuse attorney.

Common Causes of Nursing Home Fires

Since nursing home patients are often limited in terms of mobility, a fire in such a facility can be extremely deadly. For this reason, nursing homes should take fire safety seriously and ensure their patients are protected from fires.

There are numerous causes of nursing home fires, but some are more common than others. In the United States, the following events, objects, and actions are most likely to cause a fire in a nursing home:

  • Smoking – Cigarettes, cigars, and other types of smoking devices can be dangerous. Nursing homes should never allow their patients or visitors to smoke within the facility. They should also ensure patients do not attempt to smoke in their rooms or bathrooms.
  • Flammable medical devices – Pressurized oxygen tanks and other related devices can pose a fire hazard. They are highly flammable, and many patients rely on them.
  • Sprinklers – Sprinkler systems should be placed in areas where they are most likely to be effective. They should also be inspected regularly to ensure they function properly. Unfortunately, some facilities do not have an adequate number of sprinklers.
  • Candles – Candles should never be allowed in medical facilities. Patients can fall asleep with them on and they can ignite flammable medical devices.
  • Fire exits – Blocked, locked, or hidden fire exits can be deadly in the event of a fire. Patients should always know where fire exits are located and they should be easy to identify and open.

Nursing home employees should have access to fire escape plans at all times and they should know what measures to take in the event of a fire.

The Lasting Effects of Fire Injuries

Burns can be painful and emotionally traumatic, and often, survivors are left with permanent scars. Over time, patients who sustain severe burns are often forced to undergo numerous painful surgeries and procedures, and some may be left permanently disfigured. To add insult to injury, these procedures can be astronomically expensive.

Older and infirm individuals are often more likely to sustain serious injuries from burns and smoke inhalation. They may already be in ill health, and the additional stress of a burn or smoke inhalation can be deadly.

Depending on the nature of their case, A Virginia nursing home fire injuries lawyer may be able to help victims obtain compensation for pain, emotional turmoil, medical bills, everyday living expenses, and property damage.

Consult with a Virginia Nursing Home Fire Injuries Attorney Today

If you were injured in a nursing home fire, you may have numerous legal options at your disposal. It is important to understand you may not be responsible for your own injuries, and if you are not, you may be entitled to compensation for your ordeal.

As a fire survivor, you must hold the party responsible for your injuries accountable financially and legally. Consult a Virginia nursing home fire injuries lawyer today to learn more.

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