Managing Progressing Bedsores in a DC Nursing Home

Many individuals in the nursing home setting are at risk for bedsores due to their limited mobility. Preventing and managing bedsores is critical for nursing home patients’ health and well-being. Without adequate management, a patient with progressing bedsores may develop a serious bone or blood infection.

If you suspect that a nursing home’s negligence caused your or a loved one’s bedsores to worsen, you could benefit from a consultation with a medical malpractice attorney. Through discussion and evaluation of your claim, you could gain a better understanding of the legal options which may be available to you. Call an attorney regarding managing progressing bedsores in a DC nursing home today.

Standard of Care in Nursing Home Pressure Sore Management

Treatment for decubitus ulcers varies, based on the stage of the pressure sore and complications. Generally, the following actions may be necessary in management of bedsores:

  • Wound cleansing
  • Wound dressing
  • Debridement
  • Antibiotics

If a nursing home fails to adequately manage a patient’s progressing bedsores, they could be held liable for the harm that they cause. A medical expert may be able to provide testimony regarding the standard of care and the nursing home’s failure to meet the standard of care under the circumstances. Inadequate management of pressure ulcers could lead to infections and the need for more costly medical treatment.

Statute of Limitations for a Case of Progressing Decubitus Ulcers

The statute of limitations in DC for a nursing home bedsore case is three years. Very few exceptions exist, so injured individuals generally must file the lawsuit based on a nursing home’s negligence within three years. If the injured individual or their family fail to file the lawsuit within the allotted period of time, they might lose their right to recover damages in court.

Determining the exact dates on which the statutory period begins and ends can be complicated. A medical malpractice attorney could provide guidance and assistance in filing a medical malpractice claim on time.

Potential Recovery from Progressing Pressure Ulcers

If bedsores progress from Stage 1 to more advanced stages, the patient will likely need extensive medical treatment. Surgery, amputation, and other procedures may be required. If the nursing home’s negligence caused the progression of bedsores, the nursing home could be liable for the medical costs flowing from the injury.

Non-economic damages may also be recoverable in a medical malpractice claim concerning the progression of bedsores. A nursing home patient with progressing bedsores may experience emotional distress and mental anguish due to their condition. They might even experience a loss of their ability to enjoy life.

Non-economic damages are not as simple to calculate as economic damages, but an attorney may be able to assess the damages which are appropriate for a particular claim. Punitive damages are typically not allowed in cases of medical negligence, unless particularly egregious conduct is involved.

How an Attorney May Help in a DC Nursing Home Bedsore Management Case

A nursing home patient may face denials and low settlement offers when they begin to seek compensation in a bedsore case. An attorney may be able to review medical records, expert opinions, and other documents for evidence to support a medical negligence claim. In a case involving managing progressing bedsores in a DC nursing home, having a legal advocate by your side could be invaluable. Call today for a confidential consultation.