People who choose to practice law dedicate a substantial amount of time and money to obtain the required credentials. A person must complete years of college, law school, and the difficult bar exam. Therefore, if you receive notice of an ethics complaint or a disciplinary hearing, you could be greatly concerned for your professional future.
Allegations of misconduct could result in the permanent revocation of your license to practice law and could have serious personal and legal ramifications. As a lawyer, your reputation is critical. A formal reprimand regarding your professional conduct could do substantial damage to your career, even if the allegations are determined to be false. A Maryland attorney license defense lawyer could help you ensure your professional career does not suffer.
If you are facing attorney discipline, you could benefit from the guidance of a legal advocate experienced in these matters. A dedicated professional license defense attorney could guide you through the process and help you fight back against the charges you face.
Ethics complaints regarding the professional conduct of attorneys are overseen by the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission. An attorney for the Commission – known as Bar counsel – will review every complaint as it comes in. If the Bar Counsel finds an allegation to be a plausible violation of the Maryland Attorneys’ Rules of Professional Conduct (MARPC), the attorney will open a formal investigation.
A formal investigation does not guarantee that a case will be brought against a lawyer or that they will face discipline. It is the first step in the process, which typically begins by seeking a response to the allegation directly from the accused attorney. The Bar Counsel then has the option of closing the case based on the merits or forwarding the complaint to the full Commission for adjudication.
There are many ways an attorney could violate the MARPC, any of which could lead to a formal complaint. There are certain types of allegations that are more likely to result in discipline than others, including:
These are only a few of the potential charges that could lead to a bar complaint. A Maryland attorney could assist in a lawyer’s license defense by advising them of which ethics rules they are alleged to have violated and how best to dispute these allegations.
For minor penalties like reprimands, the Commission is empowered to decide cases and hand down discipline. For more serious matters that could result in the loss of a law license, an attorney has the right to be heard by the Maryland Court of Appeals, who supervises the practice of law in Maryland. A Maryland attorney license defense attorney could represent the accused in either the administrative or judicial setting.
Despite your skill and experience, it is important to have impartial legal counsel to defend you if your career is at stake. By hiring an experienced attorney, you could avoid missing important nuances in your case due to your proximity to the allegations. Call a Maryland attorney license defense lawyer right away and get started on your case.
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