You went to medical school, passed your board exams, and set to practicing medicine all so that you could help people. Now, all that hard work is in jeopardy as you face disciplinary action before the Board of Physicians. With your livelihood on the line, you need to be smart about your next move. Consider a Maryland physician license defense lawyer to help you protect your practice. With years of experience, a local lawyer could zealously advocate for you before the Board, and through the appeals process if necessary.
The State Board of Physicians has broad authority to regulate the practice of medicine in Maryland. The following, non-exhaustive, list sets forth common ways medical professionals run afoul of the rules.
Further, the Board can take a range of disciplinary actions as it deems fit. These include written warnings on the light end and revocation of a medical license on the harsh end. Because the consequences can be severe, you should take any action before the Board very seriously.
Upon receiving a complaint, the Board undergoes a preliminary investigation. After completing the preliminary investigation, a disciplinary panel will then determine whether the complaint has merits to justify further investigation or dismiss the complaint outright. After additional investigations are completed, the matter is either referred for a hearing or dismissed.
Before the Board can take any action, you are entitled to a hearing before a hearing officer. Further, you will have all rights afforded under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) which is relevant for reviewing any adverse decision. You have a right to be represented by an attorney at the hearing and present evidence in your defense. After the hearing, the hearing officer will refer a proposed factual finding to the Board or disciplinary panel, who will either adopt or reject the hearing officer’s findings. However, there may be opportunities to resolve complaints by reaching an agreement between the board and licensee.
Following an adverse decision from the Board, you have essentially one option if the decision was based on a disciplinary ground like one of those mentioned above. You may appeal to a judicial state court pursuant to the APA. While you appeal the Board’s decision, the Board’s order is not stayed. Meaning, if the Board revokes your license, you cannot practice while you fight to get your license reinstated. Once a license is suspended or revoked, it may only be reinstated by complying with the order from the Board and any other relevant regulations.
Hire a Maryland physician license defense lawyer today and increase your chances of getting a favorable outcome before the Board of Physicians. You can rest easy knowing a Maryland physician license defense lawyer is working on your case.
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