Florida Student Defense Lawyer

Going to college is an exciting time for young people. Many students experience newfound freedom for the first time in their lives. Unfortunately, many also find themselves in trouble, leading to school disciplinary action or criminal charges.

A mistake or lapse in judgment could have severe and lasting consequences. Therefore, defending yourself against the charges is crucial to protect your education and future. If you or your child need representation, our experienced defense attorneys are here to help. Florida student defense lawyer David Benowitz is prepared to provide you with the tailored guidance you need.

Student Code of Conduct Violation Examples

Students can encounter a range of accusations, encompassing both academic and non-academic allegations within the school and campus code of conduct. Some examples of these violations include:

  • Academic integrity violations, such as cheating or plagiarism
  • Hazing accusations
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Criminal offenses, such as sexual assault, possession of firearms, or crimes involving violence accusations
  • Underage possession of alcohol and DUI
  • Drug possession

All public and private colleges and universities receiving funds from the federal government must ensure compliance with the law during code of conduct violation cases. A Florida student defense attorney could help prepare to defend themselves against the charges and reach the best potential outcome.

Possible Disciplinary Actions

Rules can vary significantly from one learning institution to another, but there must be a fair system in place for the board to follow for each violation. Some of the examples of charges students may face action for include:

  • A verbal or written reprimand
  • Academic probation
  • Exclusion from certain clubs and extracurricular activities
  • Loss of academic honors
  • Failing the semester or course
  • Requirement to repeat the course
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

Students may face school disciplinary action only, or depending on the offense, they may also face criminal charges. Therefore, it is crucial to understand their rights and responsibilities to defend themselves against the aggregations.

Title IX Actions

Title IX is a federal law and disciplinary process for addressing complaints involving sexual harassment or misconduct. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the legislation requires that higher learning institutions develop and distribute procedures for handling the disciplinary process. Furthermore, Title IX regulations emphasize the importance of providing students facing charges with the right to due process, ensuring fair treatment, and the ability to defend themselves against the accusations.

Certain rights afforded to Florida students in Title IX investigations encompass being informed of their accuser, undergoing a fair and impartial investigation, having the option to appeal, and the potential involvement of a defense lawyer. Despite the right to due process, it is important to recognize that disciplinary procedures on college and university campuses deviate significantly from those in criminal court. However, the institutions must still ensure they address all complaints they receive of a sexual matter and protect the rights of the accuser while also protecting the rights of the accused.

Meet With a Skilled Florida Student Defense Attorney

Colleges and universities establish student codes of conduct to protect students and staff and promote a safe and enjoyable learning environment and social responsibility. Most students consider education crucial for meeting their life-long goals. When something threatens your dreams and aspirations for the future, you must do everything to overcome the charges and protect yourself.

A Florida student defense lawyer could provide legal advice through the procedures and ensure you understand your rights and options. If there are school disciplinary actions and criminal charges, they could provide legal support with both processes. Call today to learn more about what we could do for you.