Virginia Business Mediation Lawyer

Though the potential for profit may be high, participating in business can be risky. In the competitive business environment, disputes are bound to arise. Whether you are dealing with arguments with another company or have questions concerning a party’s contractual obligations to you, you may benefit from retaining skilled legal counsel.

Taking another company to court is always an option, but your interests may best be served by using a mediator to help resolve disputes. Working with a mediator is often an opportunity to save time and prevent expensive litigation costs. A Virginia business mediation lawyer could help companies settle their disputes without taking their case to trial.

Understanding Business Mediation in Virginia

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that can reduce the need to take a case to trial. Many businesses look to mediation as a way to protect their interests while cutting costs. Companies may use mediation to deal with alleged breaches of contracts, arguments over non-compete clauses, or other issues. Many businesses put mediation clauses in their agreements as a part of doing business.

Mediation Process

During mediation sessions, companies meet and work to reach common ground in the presence of neutral party. A mediation lawyer could help a company identify its goals and present a case that clearly in a mediation statement that outlines where there is room for negotiation and where the party stands firm. An attorney might also present evidence to a mediator as part of the presentation for the client.

After the mediator hears each party’s arguments, compares their positions, and finds areas of potential compromise, a lawyer could work with them to author settlement agreements.

Court-Ordered Mediation Sessions

Under Code of Virginia §8.01-576.5, a court may order companies to submit to mediation sessions, but they are not obligated to come to an agreement. A lawyer in the area could further explain the role mediation can play in resolving business disputes.

State Requirements for Mediators

All mediators must obtain certification through the Commonwealth. Additionally, mediators are bound by confidentiality. They may not reveal the statements a company makes to the opposing party.

If the case eventually goes to trial, any evidence or communications revealed to the mediator may not be admitted into court. No party should feel that participating in mediation will hurt their chances of succeeding in court.

Choosing a Neutral Mediator

The parties to the mediation have the right to choose who mediates their business disputes. Both parties should be able to place their trust in the impartial mediator. A local attorney could help companies choose a mediator to hear their dispute.

A Virginia Business Mediation Attorney Could Help

Choosing to participate in mediation sessions can be a positive step towards settling a dispute out of court. Though they are not mandatory, mediation sessions could help parties recognize common ground and work towards a solution to their problems.

If you are involved in a dispute, a Virginia business mediation lawyer may be able to help guide your company through the negotiation process. Call today to speak with a legal professional and discuss whether mediation is the right path for you and your company.

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